Goalie (3)

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I glanced down at my phone, seeing a text message from my mom, letting me know that their was leftovers in the fridge for when I get home. I stared down at the message for a good three minutes, causing Lydia to nudge me in the shoulder, drawing my attention back to reality, ignoring the fact that my chest was tightening. 

The lacrosse team had gathered on the field, where the players were warming up by passing the ball back and forth as other students congregated in the bleachers to watch the team play. I quickly spot Scott and Stiles in the middle of a conversation as they quickly jog toward the field. 

I noticed Stiles trying to catch up to Scott, barely able to catch his breath, but Scott seemed unfazed. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, usually it was Scott trying to catch his breath. While the two teen boys made their way to the bench, dropping their bags. I watch the two closely, noticing Scott and Stiles looking up at me, Lydia, and Allison. Scott stared up at Allison, who was smiling down at the brunette. I kept my eyes on Stiles, only realizing he wasn't looking and neither me nor Allison.

I glanced down at my phone in embarrassment, hoping Stiles and Scott would stop looking at them, I was tired of no one looking at me. 

Stop Audrey, not everyone cares about you.

"McCall!" I quickly looked up, seeing Coach Finstock standing in front of Scott, holding a larger lacrosse stick. Quickly, the Coach roughly passes the stick at Scott who clumsily catches it. I watched with curiosity, glancing at Allison who kept her gaze on Scott while Lydia applied lipgloss. 

"You're on goal."

My eyes widen with surprise, Scott has never played goal before? From the chatter of everyone around me, I wasn't able to hear anything else that Scott and the Coach were talking about. But based off Scott's look, he was in fact being in net. Worry tugged at my chest, hoping Scott will be alright as a goalie. 

Lydia looks at Scott curiously, as though she had never noticed him before, and Allison is staring at him as well of course. Scott reluctantly takes his place in the goal and prepares for practice to start. Just then Allison glanced at me and Lydia in curiosity, but I had barely listened to what she had asked, I kept my gaze fixed on Stiles who stretched as he stood in line to shoot at Scott. 

"Who is that?" Allison jerks her head towards Scott who was terribly shaking. I smiled in amusement at Allison before Lydia answered for me. "Him? Not sure who he is. Why?" Allison just smiles at Lydias response, I debate whether or not to tell them both that it was Scott. 

"He's in my English class."

I lean over a bit so I can turn and look at Allison fully, seeing as she was leaning a bit downwards as well to hear me better from all the cheering around us. "That's Scott Mccall. He's a friend of mine." I spoke calmly, but I could quickly see Allison's happiness gleam in her eyes. Just then, the whistle blew and we all watched carefully. 

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