Chapter 21 The Council of Seven Kings

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Azazil kept his composure as he replied, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Ashmedai placed his arms on the edge of the pool and propped his head with one hand, looking up at Azazil teasingly, "You know I used to govern all species' mating and reproduction-related matters on Earth, right? And that includes love. I can smell it when someone is in love."

So Ashmedai didn't know about Leon. Azazil thought, slightly relaxed, saying, "Well then keep your nose to yourself, 'cupid.' This is a private matter."

"The thing is..." Ashmedai also stepped out of the water and approached Azazil. His every word lingered in the sultry air. "Every time you fall in love with someone, usually a human male, you become...unpredictable and destructive. We are at a pivoting juncture, and Lucifer and Beelzebub don't want any surprises if you know what I mean."

Azazil scoffed, "What pivoting juncture? What is this whole Council of Seven Kings bullshit anyway?"

"You will know soon enough."

"Lucifer is not planning some big Earth invasion, right?"


"This is just too cliche that it makes me want to vomit," Azazil said dryly, "Though I'm surprised that you are also entangled with Lucifer's evil trinity. I thought you were...less political."

Ashmedai sighed as he wrapped a towel around his waist and said, "This time, it's different...You know me, I only care about pleasure and having fun. But no matter what, survival is always the utmost exigency."

"Survival? What do you mean?" Azazil was about to pry for more, but an incubus informed them that Lucifer, Beelzebub, Mammon, Abbadon and Belphegor had also arrived. They had to cut the conversation short and go to the Hall of Oblivion to meet with the others.

All seven devils of seven deadly sins sat around the round, heavily embellished red coral table, and a heavy, foreboding weight loaded the sultry air. Even the exotic, aromatic plants and the singing birds surrounding them lost their colour and became dull and muted.

It had been at least fifty years since the last time Azazil and Lucifer were in the same room, and wherever this happened, everyone around them was always a little nervous. Possibly because right after Azazil fell and became Satan and before Lucifer started the Angel War in Heaven, the latter was sent to Earth by God to execute Azazil. The two arguably most powerful seraphim fought for seven days and nights and caused the earth to shutter and break, forming different continents. The result of that battle was disputable. Some said Azazil won and Lucifer had to run back to Heaven, while others said it was the other way around. It was Lucifer who won, and Azazil was forced back to Hell. Even among other devils no consensus was ever reached. But one thing they all agreed upon was that they definitely didn't want a fight like that to happen in Hell.

Azazil sat across Lucifer and directly stared into the Morning Star's golden irises. Even in Hell, Lucifer's light was never dimmed. He was a head taller than Satan, with a lean, sculptural body, white-marble-like skin, and a face of beauty that transcended the definition of masculinity or femininity. His hair was such a brilliant colour, as though each strand was made of spun gold. He sat silently and returned Azazil's cold gaze with a smirk, yet his imperial aura exuded effortlessly and dominated half of the room.

On Lucifer's right side sat Beelzebub, the Devil of Envy, also known as the Lord of the Flies. The term "Flies" originally meant all beings that flew, which were angels, for he used to be the seraph general of the three biggest angel armies. The appellation only began to be linked to the hideous insect after he fell and became another devil in Hell. He had the biggest and most powerful six wings in all angels and could travel anywhere he wanted in the blink of an eye. Even travelling between planes wouldn't cost him as much as other fallen angels.

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