The Ride of Our Lives

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Hey guys! First of all I wanted to say: if you've read the first chapter and are still here, THANK YOU! :) I haven't dared to write a book in ages... So having people to actually read it is awesome.
If you are liking what you read please vote!! And if you have any comments... Comment!! :) I also love receiving messages and will always answer :)

I hope you enjoy Chapter 2!


"Hurry up loser!" Jasmine's excited voice carried through the two story house and Violet rolled her green eyes at her reflection; the ghost of a smile playing on her cherry red lips. Grabbing her bags she yelled "I'm coming!!" down to Jasmine as she gave her bedroom a final once over ensuring it was tidy.
When she reached the foyer Jasmine was running circles around Violet like a squirrel that had been given a double shot of espresso. "Come on Vi" Jasmine whined, pulling on Violet's hand as if she were a little child. Violet giggled at her sisters' contagious energy. "Aw Jas, are you excited or something?" Violet asked playfully as she made sure to move at the slowest possible pace towards the door.
"Well ya!" Jasmine managed to get out, starting to get a little out of breath from her circling. "It's - not - every - day" she puffed, "You - get - to - go - on - a - birthday - road trip!" At this point she had landed in a pile of her own bags and made herself comfortable.
Violet shook her head as she laughed under her breath. Her sister definitely had a screw or two loose in that pretty head of hers. She approached Jasmine, preparing to haul her off her butt and out the door, but stopped short and squinted her eyes.
"Jas!!!" She squealed as she noticed for the first time the hint of eyeliner and mascara Jasmine had on. Jasmine's cheeks grew rosy as a blush crept across them. "I'm officially old enough to drink tomorrow. I think it's time I started wearing it I guess" Jasmine shrugged, obviously trying to avoid the conversation.
Violet's heart ached for her little innocent sister, as she leaned down and kissed Jasmine's cheek softly. "You look beautiful Jas" she said and then giggled as she noticed the cherry red lip print she had left on Jasmine's cheek "but you look even more beautiful now!!" Violet cackled as she quickly jumped out of Jasmine's reach and darted towards her mothers study.
As she knocked on the dark wood of the door Violet took a deep breath to compose herself. "Mom? We're ready to leave" Violet said to the closed door, as she turned the door handle slowly.
Peering her head around the corner Violet saw her mother leant over a desk scribbling furiously; her black hair sticking out in every possible direction, and her glasses one excited pencil stroke away from falling off her face completely.
Larissa looked up at the sound of her daughter's voice and gave her a big smile. "Honey! Fabulous, wonderful! Great." She said as she stood up quickly, pushing her glasses into their correct position as she stood.
Her hands had ink all over them, and a few smudges had transferred onto the bridge of her nose from constantly pushing up her glasses. She took a few steps towards Violet, and kissed her on the top of the head. "Let's see you off then" she whispered into Violet's dark curls.
When they arrived in the foyer Violet noted that Jasmine had been busy and had packed all of their bags into the silver Toyota Yaris her parents had gifted to Violet when she had turned 21 earlier on in the year.
"Can we leave yet?" Jasmine's voice carried across the foyer as she came in through the front door. Their mother's carefree laughter filled the small foyer as she moved forward to wrap her arms around her youngest daughter.
"Not yet" she said, smiling into Jasmine's cheek as she squeezed her close.
"You're my baby and when you are home next you'll be old!" Larissa whined as Jasmine playfully pushed away from her mother's grip. "19 is not old! I'm in my prime!" She proclaimed, her face lighting up as she grinned from ear to ear. "Love you mom!!" She called over her shoulder as she ran out the door towards the car.
Larissa turned towards her eldest daughter with a smile. "There isn't a person quite like her in this entire plant" she mused, and Violet smiled in agreement. "I'll take care of her mom, don't worry." Violet said, putting her hand softly on her mom's shoulder. "We're going to New York for two nights... Really what could go wrong!"
A smile broke across Larissa's face at Violet's words and she hugged her daughter tightly. "Be good, I love you" she said, as she released Violet and opened the front door.
Violet sat in the drivers seat and looked over at Jasmine who was wiggling in her seat smiling an almost crazed smile. "Ready for the time of our lives?" She said to Violet, wiggling her eyebrows. Violet laughed as she put the car into gear and began backing out the driveway, waving goodbye to her mom. "Ready." She said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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