Chapter 8 *HMMMM. What now?*

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Chapter 8 *HMMMM. What now?*

“Molly, Anna, Brenna. What am I going to do? I mean I seriously think Logan may be cheating on me. And it might be with Cienna!” “Wait. Explain this to me again. What did Cienna say?” Brenna asked. “She said ‘How are you and Logan doing?’ I mean it wasn’t obvious, but her tone and why should she care? Both made it obvious to the people who know how she really acts.” “Oh, I see. Well would you like me to go and talk to him or maybe spy on him or Ci?” Brenna asked. “Or I could just slap him and tell him its over.” “Guys just stop for a minute. What happened to him hating Cienna? Even more important, what happened to him loving me?” I slid down to the floor as the tears rushed out of my eyes. “Oh honey!” They all echoed. “Honey, listen to me. If he dare cheats on you, he does NOT deserve you! You got that?” Molly spoke up last.“I understand, but what do I do until I know?” “Take advantage of your relationship. Make out with him like there is no tomorrow. Enjoy yourself, but hold your feelings tight.” Brenna’s remark made me laugh. “Okay. Should I get a date tonight?” “Of course! And we can primp you up!” And that was that. I grabbed my phone to send Logan a text. ‘You want to go out tonight?’ It took a few minutes, but I got his reply ‘Sure, pick you up at 6:30?’ ‘Sounds great!’ “It’s a go! And we have an hour and a half.” “Let’s get to work!”

Within the hour, I was completely transformed. My makeup was done with a simple complexion, lightly tinted red lip color, and a gray smokey eye. My hair had been curled to perfection. All I had left was my outfit. My French manicured nails were drying as the girls rummaged through my closet. “Look at this dress! Kennedy, this is gorgeous! Have you ever worn it before?” “I wirled to see Anna holding up a red strapless dress that came to my knee. I had fallen in love with it in the store, but had never gotten the chance to wear it. “No, I haven’t, but there are a cute pair of lacy leggings as well as a pair of black ankle boots and and black jean jacket that’ll go fantastically with it. All you need to find is jewelry to go with it.” “Oh Kennedy. You will make his draw drop! How he could ever cheat on you when you look like that. I don’t know.”

About 30 minutes later the girls had checked everything, given me all the last minute touches, packed my purse with anything I could need, and given me a final approval. The doorbell rang and they rushed me down the stairs to greet him at the door. “Woah. You look… amazing.” “Oh, thanks hon.” I told him as I shut the door. He took my hand and gave him a good long kiss. I held my emotions in, yet no one else would ever know. It was fun to play the game. I could fall in love, but for now I could simply act like I was until I knew there was no unfaithfulness. I guided him to a new romantic restaurant that I had found for this occasion. It was private so that we could talk and make out in without interruption. We went in and were seated at our reserved table. Our contact was slowly calming my nerves, but not quite enough, seeing that he could be using someone else for even more of it. As we arrived at our table he pulled me into his lap. “You okay princess?” “Not really. Where were you really this morning?” “I told you, I was running late.” “Yes, so you couldn’t answer my text, why?” “I was driving.” “Honey, that has never stopped you before.” “Maybe I am just trying to be safe, why are you being so pestering about it.” “Pestering? I’m just trying to see if our relationship is in good health or not!” I could hear my tone rising. “Good health, what is that supposed to mean?” “Let’s quiet down, what I really want to ask is if you are cheating on me.” “Cheating on you? Why would you think that?” “Well, for one you were super flushed this morning, and I’ve only seen you like that when we make out, and I am pretty sure we did not make out this morning before class, so who is it?” I was surprised at how calm I was being. “Do you really want to know?” That was a really good question. Did I want to know who just helped to ruin my relationship? “Yes. Wait, let’s just have a fun night, then at the end, you can tell me who and why.” “Okay.” Before I knew it I was wrapped in his arms enjoying myself one last time before this relationship met its end.

All in all the night would’ve been great had it not been the fact I had been assured of my worries. We enjoyed ourselves and the food was really good. As we drove home the mood grew more tense as we got closer and closer to my house. When we finally arrived he pulled over and turned the car off. He spoke up first, “So what is the status of our relationship now?” “Truthfully, I don’t know, yet. It kind of depends on who it is and why, but then again it could depend on whether I feel this,” I moved my hand back and forth between us to signal our, “relationship is worth staying in. But I need to know, did you ever really love me?” “Yes, I loved you before I started cheating on you, and I still love you, but I would not blame you if you didn’t want to be in this relationship anymore.” He gave my hand a squeeze and I gave him a smile as I squeezed it back. “I loved you too, but I’m just not quite sure whether I still do or not.” He moved his hand up to my cheek and stroked his thumb back and forth. “Are you sure you want to know?” I consulted my thoughts one last time before I said, “Yes.” “Okay. It was….”


Authors note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


(Btw: that’s my evil laugh.)

I’m just SOOOOOO  evil for doing that I know, but I always love to write cliffhangers and normally I forget sooo, that seemed like the absolutely PERFECT opportunity to throw one in! Don’t you worry though I will update Much sooner now that I have a place to go for the next chapter! Yup, oh and sorry it took me so stinkin long, both of my older siblings were home, which is a rarity, because APPARENTLY, their friends are cooler than their awesome sister and parents! How that is possible? Well, I just don’t know, because I am the COOLEST of the cool. Hmph, oh well then. Yeah, so I had to spend “Family time” with them and I was lacking inspiration, so I did what I love to do and procrastinated! (Yeah go ahead and hate me) but I’ll attempt to do better now! Key word being: Attempt! Oh and HAPPY SUMMER! Again, but now all of our people are out of school as opposed to just the super smarticle people like yours truly. Bahahaha! Jk, I just have mad A making skills!

Okay so now to the story thoughts, Who did he cheat on sweet Kennedy with?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!!! Even I don’t know for sure quite yet, but I do have a good idea. I mean will it be Cienna, or someone you know and just don’t expect, or will it be some one you have never heard of????? I guess you’ll just have to wait and find out, and that should be up in a day or two. Hopefully tomorrow, but I really don’t know quite yet.

Ooooh! One last thing- VOTE, COMMENT, AND FAN!!!!!

Okay that’s enough from me. Happy reading!

With oober amounts of love!


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