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——I want to spend more time with you.


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Alarm ringing was heard through the silent room. I groaned as I yawn and rub my eyes. Then something made me realize.. "I'M LATE!" I hurriedly checked the time 6:32 AM and class starts 7:00. I panicked and fixed my hair as I quickly head to the bathroom.

I got out in my uniform as I brush my hair and grabbed my bag. I waved goodbye to mom as I panicked and left the house. Luckily, school wasn't that far.

I breath heavily as I arrived at the gates. Two students were there, guarding. I tried to sneak in when one of them caught me. "Name and class?"

"..Y/n L/n, Class A" I answered rubbing the back of my head as the girl sighed and wrote down my name and class number. The two gestured me to go in as I walked inside, pouting.

I suddenly felt a presence behind me as I take a look behind, it's Sugawara breathing heavily. "Hey, Sugawara. You're late too?" I called him as his eyes widen and raised his head to look at me.

"Oh, h-hey Y/n.. yeah, I didn't realize the time" he awkwardly chuckled as I giggle. We both raced to our class as we sprint. Me and Sugawara arrived the classroom, panting.

"Y/n L/n and Sugawara Koushi, you both are late" Our professor coldly said making the both of us freeze. "I apologize, we both didn't realize the t-" I got cut off.

"Nonsense, the students who got late will join the military training. It starts tomorrow, pack your things. No gadgets and snacks are included. 3 buses will line up tomorrow 7:00 AM sharp." She said making me and Sugawara sigh.

We both head to our seats as I sat down, grabbing my books. "Open the book and go at page 7. Read it until page 8." She said as she left the classroom. I wonder who else is late..

I suddenly heard someone whisper calling me, I turn my head to the right to see one of my classmate calling me. "Y/n, I heard other students from class B and C are late too. Some were Karasuno volleyball members" she whispered making me let out an 'oh'.

It's probably Hinata, Tanaka and Kageyama..

————————— • • • ——————————

We're now currently waiting infront of the bus, waiting for our professor to arrive. Minutes later, she finally arrived and made an announcement.

"Attention Students, our bus is too small for the other students in Class A. Who would like to volunteer to go at class B's bus?" She said as I look at Sugawara and he nodded.

Me and him raised our hands and our professor said that me and him set a good example. I grabbed my bag as me, Sugawara and other students who volunteered head to class B's bus.

We entered inside the bus as I made my way inside. There were empty seats at the back as I noticed familiar faces. Nishinoya, Hinata, Kageyama, Tanaka were in the bus. I giggled and placed my bag on an empty shelf along with Sugawara.

I sat in my seat and Sugawara sat beside me. Nishinoya seems to notice our presence as his energy boosted. "HI Y/N! HI SUGAWARA-SAN!" He said making me and Sugawara wave at him.

The busses starts moving as the other students fell asleep. Sugawara suddenly placed his head in my shoulder as my eyes widen. I tried not to move as I just sat there with someone's head in my shoulder.

Hours later, we finally arrived at the location where we're going to start military training for a week. We all got out of our busses as a soldier said we should all line up in each class.

Soldiers will do inspections to see who brought gadgets and snacks, then they'll make the student clean the ordered room for a day.

"Alright students! Hand in your snacks and gadget or I will do it myself." The soldier coldly shout as I just stood there cause I have no snacks and gadgets with me.

Kageyama refused to give his snack as he tried to hide it but ended up getting caught. Along with Tanaka and the other two.

"You! The four boys in the back" he shout referring to Kageyama, Hinata, Tanaka and Nishinoya. "Do push ups 10x now because you four refused to hand in the snacks and even brought gadgets too!"

Some students got caught giggling as they did push ups too. I sigh while Sugawara beside me just shook his head.


I stood beside Y/n as I watched the four and the other students do push ups for 10x. The four didn't care since they were athletics after all.

I'm glad I didn't brought gadgets nor snacks, or else Y/n will probably get disappointed and I will get embarrassed.

After they finished doing push ups, boys and girls were separated and is in two different rooms.

The girls room is in the other hallway meanwhile the boys room is at the end of the building.

I am now separated to Y/n and was left with Nishinoya and the others along with the other students. I sighed in disappointment as I just lay on my bed. We need to sleep early to wake up early for tomorrow.

Yet, the others still decided to stay up and tell each other stories about the building. They ended up getting scolded and was forced to sleep.

I refused to sleep as I just pretend, I somehow can't sleep since I'm thinking about Y/n and what will happen tomorrow.

Minutes later, I finally felt my eyelids close as I doze off.


I only know few students here inside the room as I just lay on my bed. The other girls were somehow busy doing something, some doing their diary.

I just lay there, staring at the ceiling. I suddenly heard a female voice "Girls, I'm here to inform you all that you guys should sleep early. Since tomorrow we will have an early start" She said before leaving the room.

Nods and 'yes' were received as they all lay on their own beds and eventually falls asleep. Meanwhile I lay there, completely exhausted but can't fall asleep.

I wonder what Sugawara is doing, I guess he's asleep. After minutes of staring at the ceiling, you finally fell asleep.

A/N: right, before you guys get confused. I'd like to say 2nd years and 1st years are also included in the military training, well this chapter is similar to the cdrama called "I fly towards you" ? If that's familiar for ya'll.

Happy reading! :3

1088 words

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 • K. Sugawara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now