Zen milk prt for

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And den u walk but Niall hop all th way to Walmert were u by some butter n Niall the bred was confuse. u go bak to UR house n lok aroun n cee No Zen. Niall come on u say. He hops into ur hous n onto the cock ** oops couch.

Ok Niall come here. U make a plan 2 eat Niall n it not canon ball watever thing BC he's bred. He hops 2 u and u tell him to jump on th table. U look in the cabinet for a knife n u see Nutella. U love Nutella mor than buttr so U just eat dat. U open it n put a fingr in it n tri.

U regret that. b4 Zen chase after u he must have pooed in the Nutella for revinge. Niall th bred is laughing at UR face but he just jigglin or somthn.

U go on Instagtam n post a pic of Nisll the bred. no one comment but u get 4 likes. "I feel so criticized by your silence" U comment on ur own pic. Niall th bred is crying n up he turn all soggy n nasty.

EWEWEWWWWWn Niall y u even crying for ??? I sorry Y/N idk I hav 2 cri Im sorry I just sad I'm bred. U didn't know Niall the bred culd even talk.

Ok nnnnnNiall it ok.

Y/N,? he axe. Ya u say. I'm hungry he say. Do U kno how I'm supposed 2 feed a bred? hpHm? u axe. He cri again. u get closer.

I sorry Niall u say. He turn his bred body 2 look at u. Y/N Y ru so ugly! I don t know u say, takin aback. Ur face just so nasty n how old r u? 11. u say. HOW? WAT? Niall the bred say. Mhm u say. No wonder I'm a bred but I'm still bigger than u ! n u kinda look like Megamind hehe.

That's it Nial! I'm lockin u out on Instergam! U get angry n say. u lok him out n he turn soggy n cry. Y/N I used a fake email! he say and Cri hard. By Niall. u chop into him n put him in the toaster.

Time for som yummy Niall bred!

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