Chapter 34: Hospital Revelations

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Shubman stumbled out of the office, his movements hurried and clumsy. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, mostly centered on the presentation and the slip-up he had experienced. The fatigue and stress of the day weighed heavily on him, and his eyes were still red and bloodshot from lack of sleep and the remnants of his earlier state. His vision was blurry, but he forced himself to believe he was fine.

"Damn it, what's wrong with me?" he muttered under his breath, trying to steady himself as he walked to his car. He rubbed his eyes, hoping to clear his vision, but it did little to help. "I can't afford to be this weak."

He fumbled with his car keys, dropping them once before managing to unlock the door. As he slid into the driver's seat, he took a deep breath, trying to focus. "I'm fine. I can handle this. Just get home and rest."

He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, his thoughts still swirling. The day had been a disaster, and the weight of his responsibilities felt crushing. He couldn't shake the feeling of failure, the nagging doubt that he was losing control.

Back in the office, Virat was pacing, his frustration evident. He turned to Sara, who was standing nearby, her expression a mix of concern and confusion. "What the hell was that?" Virat demanded, his voice low but intense. "Shubman was a mess today. I've never seen him like this."

Sara sighed, trying to find the right words. "I know, Virat. But we don't know what he's going through. Maybe something personal is happening. We should give him the benefit of the doubt." Virat shook his head, running a hand through his hair. "This isn't like him, Sara. He's always been the rock of this company. I just... I can't believe he'd let himself get to this point."

"People have their breaking points," Sara said gently. "Even Shubman. He's been under a lot of pressure lately, with the company, the projects, everything. We need to support him, not judge him."

Virat stopped pacing and looked at Sara, her words slowly sinking in. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. "You're right. I just... I hate seeing him like this. He's more than a business partner; he's a friend."

Sara placed a reassuring hand on Virat's arm. "We'll figure this out. He'll be okay. We just need to be there for him." Virat nodded, feeling a bit of the tension ease from his shoulders. "Thanks, Sara. I needed to hear that."

Meanwhile, Shubman was driving through the city, his vision still blurry and his mind far from clear. The events of the day replayed in his head, a chaotic mess of thoughts and emotions. He recalled the presentation, the slip of the tongue, and the worried faces of his employees.

"God, I can't believe I messed up like that," he thought, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "What's happening to me?" His thoughts drifted to Ishan. The sweet moments they had shared, the arguments that had driven a wedge between them, and the recent distance Ishan had put between them. Each memory was like a punch to the gut.

He remembered the first time Ishan had made him laugh in the office, a rare moment of genuine happiness amidst the stress of work. The way Ishan's eyes lit up when he talked about his ideas, his infectious enthusiasm that had drawn Shubman in.

But then there were the arguments, the harsh words that had been exchanged. Shubman's frustration at feeling vulnerable, his inability to handle the emotions that Ishan stirred in him. He had pushed Ishan away, not knowing how else to protect himself.

And now, Ishan was avoiding him, finding solace and laughter with Aditi. The sight of them together had ignited a jealousy that Shubman hadn't been able to contain. It ate away at him, leaving him feeling even more lost and alone. "Why can't I just be honest with him?" Shubman thought, a wave of regret washing over him. "Why am I so scared of letting him in?"

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