Chapter thirteen

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(( deleted last chapter ))

I woke up up In a bed. I look over and see Dad asleep in a chair. I stiffen and look around. I start to sit up but wince and fall back down gritting my teeth. Dad jerks awake
" Sam ?" he said rubbing his face.
" Present " I said with a slight smile he smiled back.
" How are you feelin kiddo " he said
" Everything hurts " I said.
"I bet " he said
" Where are we ?" I ask
" SHEILD hospital " He said. I look around the room
" How did we get here ?"
" You don't think I went in there alone did you ?" he said with a slight smile.

A woman has been trying to help me walk. I didn't like it. I don't need any help. Dad watches to make sure I don't get hurt . I lay face down on the bed my arms by my side I scream and curse into the pillow and huff I move my head and felt cold air blow gently on my face and sigh. I look around the now dark room and groan again.

(( ok time skip again cause I'm having writer block
Ok now she's back home still trying to walk ))
((((She can't walk because when she was being tortured the damaged her legs pretty badly))))))

I look at my wall. Coral laying beside me his head on my stomach. he whined so I pet his head.
" Sam ?" I heard dad sat from the door
"Yeah ?" I said
"I'm gonna grab something for dinner ill be back soon" he said
" Ok " I said and heard him leave. I sit up and hear a loud clap of thunder and jump coral barks.
" It's ok coral it's just thunder " i said and pet his head he growled.
" What is it ?" I ask he jumps off the bed and growls louder
" Coral stop it " I said getting scared. I heard the front door slam open and coral barked
" Shhh coral" I hiss and he keeps barking and I heard heavy footsteps come towards my room and coral growled. My door swung open and a teen boy came in. Coral growled and back up towards my bed. I slowly reach for the hand gun behind my bed.
"Don't move " he said raising a large gun at me. I froze and look at him
" Who are you ?" I ask.
" Black ninja " he said proudly.
" Who ?" I ask titling my head to the side.
" Black-never mind" he mumbled. Coral barked and growled
"Shut your dog up" he snapped
"Why don't you leave and he'll be quiet" I snap
" Maybe I don't wanna leave " he said. I grab my gun and aim it at him.
" You leave or I shoot " I said boldly. He looked slightly scared
" You wouldn't shoot me " he said.
" Or really ?" I said. I couldn't shoot him.
' You won't shoot me ' I heard him my head I look at him. He looked back calmly
" My dads going to be here any minute" I said
" No he isn't " the boy said putting the gun down
" And why not ?" I ask.
" Some guys attacked him " he said.
" What ? why ? how do you know ?" I ask.
" can't tell you " he said.
" you work for some people who are trying to kill my dad and then me " i guess
" Shut up " he sneered
" Make me pretty boy " I spit back.he raised the aiming at my head and....

( ha cliff hanger !! Should he shoot or should someone save her ? Comment what you think !!! )

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