Chapter nine

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((Sam-) age: 15 ))

They had me chained to a metal table and I noticed a camera in front of the table. It slowly leaned forward so that I was practically standing but the moved it back so I was leaning back my the camera still had a perfect view of me
" say hello to SHIELD little one " a voice said I gritted my teeth and glared at the man.
" say hello " he growled
" go to hell bastard " I spit and feel a sharp pain in my side and scream and feel a warm liquid trickle down my side I squeeze my eyes shut and tilt my head back
" Say. Hello. " he growled in my face
" hello shield " I said shakily
" say hi to daddy " he smirked and tears form in my eyes he gets in my face about to yell when I spit saliva and blood in his face he curse and I felt searing pan in my side it kept getting worse i scream again and jerk my head back slamming it into the hard metal.
" you little bitch " the man growled and I glare at him and stay silent.
" ok then no good byes then" he spat I look at him scared and a woman came in rolling a cart with a bunch or needles , serums and weapons. The man smirks evilly and grabs a knife , the sharpest one , and pressed the edge against my cheek I wince as he brings it down he pulled the knife away and I feel the warm blood trickle down my face he picked up something and grinned and I saw something red glowing he put it by my shoulder and I start shaking in fear he jerked his hand down and I scream jerking my head back slamming it into the metal. Pain ripped through I feel hot tears stream down my face. I kept scream as the pain got worse I curse and scream.

~~Steve's pov~~
I've been searching for days. Natasha brought me to the tower and I sit in a chair my head in my hands.
" Steve you might want to see this " Tony said I look up at the large screen and see her. Sam. She was chained to a metal table she kept fighting against the restrains gritting her teeth
" Say hello to SHIELD little one " a voice said and she clenched her teeth and stayed silent and a man walked over to her smirking
"Say hello " he growled and glared at him
" Go to hell bastard " she spat I look at her slightly shocked and she screamed. I saw blood trickle down her shirt from her side she threw head back slamming it into the metal
" Say. Hello. " He growled again and she looked at the camera
"Hello shield " she said shakily.
" Now say hi to daddy " he smirked. A tear slipped down her face but stayed silent he got in her face an was about yell at her when she spat in his face he stumbled back cursing. I heard a faint shot an she screamed and more blood came from her side she clenched her fists
" You little bitch " he spat and Sam glared at him. I look at everyone and then at the screen a woman came in pushing a cart Sam looked scared and the man picked up a knife and slowly cut her cheek she gave a sharp cry and squeezed her eyes shut.
" Now for some fun " the man smirked And grabbed something and pressed a button making a red laser appear I heard gasps I put a hand on my mouth. The man put the laser on the edge of her shoulder and she whimpered and tried to move but the man jerked to laser down she screamed and cursed. She started screaming and crying for me. I look at her in horror and saw a deep burnt gash in her arm tears streamed down her face. The screen went black.
" That that bastard " I whisper

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