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That night Daphne sleep could not find her for even a second. Her mind was whirling with thoughts, notions and beliefs she didn't want to think about.

Was she attracted to him?
Why would she be?
She barely knew him, right?

When the morning arrived she was exhausted beyond what words could describe. Her stomach was the only motivator to get up and go find something to eat.

She walked down the hallway and the stairs, barely keeping herself upright. When she got to the kitchen she heard three rushed male voices and listened in before fully showing herself. It sounded chaotic inside the kitchen.

"Non so come farlo, Aurelio!" (I don't know how to do this, Aurelio) It sounded like a terrified Luca. "Stai zitto e calmati." (Shut up and calm down) She heard Aurelio's slightly drunken voice. Seeing as though she wasn't going to understand a word from here, she walked right into the chaos.

Everyone stopped for a moment and looked over at her. She was still in her oversized batman shirt from last night and tights.

There was blood, and lots of it. On the floor, the counter, the wall and on all three of them. She looked over at Dante holding a needle and some suture. He looked fine though. She checked Luca and he looked unscathed as well.

Then her eyes landed on Aurelio's bloodied unbuttoned white shirt and the bottle of whiskey in his hand. He sat on one of the seats at the kitchen counter with a grimace on his face. "Sup, Daph." Luca said casually and Dante hit behind the head, asking him: "Sup Daph? Really Luca?" He hit him one more time.

"What? I can't handle these stressful situations man." Luca shouted back at him and rushed to get some wipes.

"What happened?!" Daphne exclaimed walking up to Aurelio and checking to see where the wound was bleeding so profusely.

"Daphne." He smiled at her, taking another sip of the whiskey. "I'm fine."

"Shot or stab wound?" She asked him taking the bottle from him and cupping her hand over the sink.

Dante and Luca got all quiet behind her, watching the scene play out in front of them.

"Stab." His shortened response came out and he suddenly looked rather angry. Maybe because his whiskey was in her hand.

"Show me." She stated shaking her head.

His sigh told her he was doing this against his will, like saving his life wasn't something he wanted right now. He lifted his shirt to just above his navel and showed Daphne the gushing wound. Daphne poured the whiskey into her cupped hand.

"Lay back down, now." In his willing state, he did not want to and shook his head adding another. "I am fine."

"Hold him down." She told the two men standing there gaping at each other.

They didn't waste a second grabbing onto his arms and holding him down against the counter. He shouted some words in Italian that she couldn't quite catch.

She moved her hand from the sink and poured the liquor over the open wound and he his trashing died down.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Dante spoke up, asking Daphne who was grabbing the medicine box they had opened previously and took out what she needed.

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