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When the morning came, I found myself stretching out to find his warmth. I peeled back my eyes when I couldn't find him realizing he was missing from my bed. I groaned, rolling out of bed, grabbing my helmet off the nightstand. Where could he have gone off to since last night? Last night...it all hit me like a wave. We had kissed, we had cuddled, and I had comforted him through his unforgiving nightmares.

I stretch my arms, feeling stiff, getting up from the bed. I go and try to find Anakin. After last night, I didn't want to be away from him ever again. I was done with the Seperatist cause. I wanted Anakin- I needed him.

"Anakin?" I whisper as I see him walking down the hall with Padmé. Jealousy burns in the pit of my stomach. I  wanted to hate her but I just couldn't.

"...We'll all go together." I hear Padmé finish a sentence, I walk up to them. Anakin gives me a warm smile, which fills my stomach up, yet again, with butterflies. God, this boy drove me up a wall.

"Padmé, I can't allow you-"

"Anakin, I understand your concerns, but I'm more than capable of handling myself." Padmé reassures him, she smiles and looks at me, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have packing to do." Padmé disappears down the corridor after turning the corner.

"She said y-" Anakin kisses me before I can even finish what I have to say. I pull him into my room, shut the door, continuing to kiss him. Our lips entangle with each other as I fall onto the bed. He gets on top of me pressing his body against me, kissing my throat. He pulls back with a smile on his face.

"We're leaving in the morning." Anakin smiles to me, he looked happy he got to experience this with me. He laid beside me, smiling from ear to

He didn't like talking about Tatoonie, but I knew the place he was born. Twin suns, sand for miles, the harsh suns burning down relentless. We would be headed their by tomorrow.

The next morning came too slow for Anakins sake as we boarded at around eight. We were set for Tatoonie about fifteen minutes later. I sat in the front with Anakin, who seemed anxious.

"What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she doesn't remember me? What if shes..."

"Anakin, stop asking what ifs. Everything is going to be fine." I look up at him, and he doesn't seem to be sure of my reassurance. I didn't know how to comfort him anymore. Austus asked to speak with me in private. Anakin couldn't have been giving him a nastier look.

"What are you doing?" Austus asks seriously, pulling me to a side room. I've never heard him talk so seriously before.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused. Was he talking about Anakin? Because he was one to talk.

"You're getting too close to Anakin. You're going to compromise the mission. You have a duty to the Empire, Y/N." I froze. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not, this was unlike him.

"You're a fine one to talk!" I say louder than I meant too.

"Shush it! I'm trying to help you. Women...no offense...But they're more emotional. Dooku isn't stupid, so he knows that. I'm just trying to save you from heartbreak and the potential fight with Dooku when you-" He has his finger in my face and I don't know what came over me but I lunged to bite it.

"Ow! What is wrong with you?!" I turned around to walk off from him. His finger was bleeding, but he'd be alright. He didn't need to get in my way, I knew what I was doing.

I go back and sit in the front of the ship with Anakin, who looks slightly annoyed.


"Do you have something going on with him?"

"No of course not." I say, his facial features lighten.

"Good." Anakin tells me. We arrive on Tatoonie a little later just on the outskirts of a town. We get out and go and find the Toydarian named Watto who used to be Anakins master. That sounds so weird saying that, with Anakins history as a slave. I followed Anakin, who went straight for where the Toydarian would be like it was yesterday.

"Hello, hello! How can I help you today, hrm?" Watto asked, in a hoarse voice.

"I'm looking for Shmi Skywalker." Anakin demands eagerly.

"Why are you looking for her?...Annie?" Watto says, "Anakin, my boy! You're all grown up! It's been so long!"

"Where is my mother, Watto." Anakin didn't hesitate to continue pushing the subject.

"Well...haha uhm...I sold her to Cleigg Lars. I since heard he freed her and got married." Watto says, like he was in shame but it was just the intimidation of the lightsaber on his hip that was talking.

"Where can I find her?" Anakin begins to sound desperate. Watto tells him where he can go, and we go back on our ship to find her.

A small little desert house sits off into he distant as we land. I couldn't understand how people could live on such a hot planet. The four of us approach it with R2, once we get in proximity a droid greets us.

"Master Annie! It is so good to see you!" A golden droid says, rather cheerily.

"C-3PO?" Anakin responds in shock, "Where's my mother?"

"Oh, I'm afraid you've missed a lot. Follow me." C-3PO begins to walk in the direction of the hole with compartments in it. Anakin looked distraught as Cliegg and Owen explained the news to us. How his mother was taken by Tusken Raiders. I couldn't protest what he was fixing to ask of me as hate stung in his eyes.


I haven't published anything in this book in nearly a month! I also wrote the most mid chapter I could possibly write and for that, I'm sorry. You as my reader deserve better than that. In all honesty? I've lost motivation for this book. I'm not quitting it, I've just been more focused on other works of mine.

I will finish this however. I'm determined too! (Despite lack of motivation)

But anyways, to those who have read this far, I thank you and hope you have an amazing life :)

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