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It was almost a week when Anakin returned. I felt as if I could feel his pain as he walked, holding his mother's lifeless body. His eyes stung with hatred, the kind that was unforgiving and relentless. My heart ached for him as he put her in the ground. I put my hand on his shoulder as we all said our condolences.

"I couldn't save her, Y/N....I couldn't..." He broke down in tears that night on me. He had come in my room to rant, but ended up crying on my shoulder. I didn't know how I could help him other than to let him cry on my shoulder. Before I could say anything to him, he spoke again. This time with an evil tone in the back of the throat. Like his words were poison he was trying to spit out of his own mouth, "I killed them all. The men. And not just the men, but the women and the children too! I hate them!" I cried out, I held him tighter while it all flowed out.

I looked up to Anakin for his selflessness and ability to care for others, unlike the Jedi taught about attachments. I respected what they saw as misbehavior. He was just being human. A human with flaws. He laid down and had him buried in my chest, he cried all night. The next day, we would be heading back to Naboo, and I wondered if we should even traveling with him upset like this. But we did. Anakin had a stern look on him, I was almost to scared to speak to him.

"Anakin?" Anakin moved his head to look over at me, "I'm so sorry." He placed a kiss on my forehead that morning without a word. We went to the ship after breakfast. There, we got a transmission from none other than Obi-Wan. He was a distorted message about him needing help on Geonosis.

"We must go save him, Anakin. The Order will not get to him in time. We're close." Anakin didn't want to hear it from Padmé. He didn't want to do anything right now. He didn't even want to speak.

"It's no use. Obi-Wan can handle himself." Anakin argued. She seemed surprised by his rebuttal, but honestly I wasn't. I wouldn't have hope or be in the mood if my mother just died either.

"Well, I'm going, which means as my protection, you have to come too." Padmé says matter of factly. Anakin shrugged, not fighting it any longer. She reroutes our ship to Geonosis and I go back into the quarters to find Austus finishing up a call with Dooku.

"What?" He asks, "We're being escorted off the ship and they're being taken into custody when we get there." Austus tells me. I feel my heart drop in my chest. No it couldn't be. I didn't realize this was all going to end so soon. I was happy where I was, I didn't want Anakin and Padmé in. They were my friends.

"Austus... Why would you do that?" I croak out, as everything begins to sink in.

"What do you mean? This was the plan all along, Y/N. I'm not sure what you expected." Austus shrugs, "You gave me a second chance, so I'm giving you one. I'll pretend you didn't say that."

"Look, I'm sorry, but you aren't thinking straight. We don't have to go back Austus." I frown up at him, "I was wrong, the Seperatist cause-"

"I will have to report you for treason if you say another word about it." Austus was serious. What made him flip to such a solemn demeanor, "When we get there, Dooku will be waiting with an ambush." I had to do something, but I couldn't tell Anakin I was lying to him this entire time. He wouldn't ever forgive me for it. Maybe it would be the best thing I could do for him, to keep quiet. What was I thinking, I didn't deserve him. Another short-lived romance, only this time, I was destroying his soul.

Geonosis was in the foreseeable distance now. Anakin came back to tell me we had arrived, probably more to check on me as I had avoided him since the beginning of the travel.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you. For everything. I know it's probably too soon to say, but...I love you." Anakin half smiles, sitting beside me now.

"You're welcome." He looked at me as if was waiting for something more.

"Is there anything on your mind, Y/N? Anything troubling you?" Yes. There was actually.

"No. I just want to apologize." He looked at me complexed from my words.

"Because you really deserve more than me." My eyes filled with tears.

"Y/N, it's okay. What brought all of this on, huh? You can tell me." No. No I can't. I belong to Dooku. I serve Dooku. I was loyal to Dooku. I shake my head as we zoom through the Geonosis atmosphere. I kiss his fragile lips one last time, it was a confusing kiss. A lost one. He didn't know why I was doing it as it wasn't out of love. I could hear us land finally, "It's okay, I won't be mad." I pulled out my laser gun and pointed it right at him. I had no right to be crying, yet I was. I was sobbing to the point I could barely hold my gun straight.

"Y/N... It's okay." Anakin says, standing to his feet, towering over me, "You don't have to do this." I shake my head.

"I do. I really do. It's who I am. You don't just walk away. Mandalorians are loyal to the ones they serve. You and I both know that." I'm pointing it at his perfect face now.

"It's not who you have to be." Anakin peeps out, "Dooku." He looks past me at my master.

"Anakin Skywalker. Guards arrest him." Dooku orders to him and then turns to Austus and I, "Very well, done. We've caught the Jedi scum and a sought-after Senator." I watched as the Geonosisians grabbed him roughly and took him away from me. My heart ached in pain seeing him leave, giving me such a hopeless look, "You both will be awarded handsomely...and as for you Ms. Nevan..." Dooku pressed, "I have a special reward for you." I followed him out of the ship and to the dungeons where prisoners resided. Padmé and Anakin were down there already off in a cell in the corner. Only I was particularly more interested in their cell mates.

I gasped when I saw my brother Cole and my good friend Hayl chained up. They had been stripped of their Mandalorian armor, "Since you've been my closest assassin, almost like a daughter to me, I'm setting your brother and friend free for you. You will do well to know that if you misbehave, they can go right back where they belong. Only instead of being chained up, they'll be electrocuted as punishment for the rest of their lives."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02 ⏰

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