Authors Note

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Ahhhh, it's over.

Well, kind of.

I know endings should be good enough to stand on their own, but let's be real I don't trust my writing ability 😅. Basically... sometimes you have to leave to grow. Even though it hurts people, even though some needs can't be met on your own. Sure, Deku still would have grown if he stayed (all kids do is grow), but he made the choice to grow alone. It's fucking hard, but for a character who's always had to fight alone, the choice to grow alone made sense. He learned how to rely on himself and his own ability to create stability and a sense of safety that no one could take away from him.

Anyways, the main story has ended. However, there will be a few side stories :).

I'll probably post them once a monthish? I really want to focus on my EraserMic Cowboy fic so I can start posting that by October!

Anyways, thank you for the reads, votes, and comments. It makes my day to see that people read my stories ❤️

Word Count: 122,692

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