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I sat on the floor staring at Amelia my five year old sister as she passed me one of her pink dolls "I'm going potty like a big girl" She said standing up proudly and as she sat on the bright pink potty in the corner of the already pink room she pulled down her pull up to her ankles and I heard her pee hit the bowl "see Sophie big girl's use the potty not their pull ups." I stared down and realised I was in a bright pink pull up like Amelia and even though I am now an eleven year old girl I looked like a little girl and as I felt the need to pee I decided to ignore it and as I played with Amelia it got worse and then I sat on my knees and let the pee go and as I looked at the yellowing pull up I smiled as I don't need to waste time on the potty. I woke up startled and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness I realised my waist was soaked and as I sat up I looked around still disorientated, I stood up and walked to Hazel's bedside and I was glad that I was sleeping in her room due to the renovation of my room. "Haze, haze" I poked her lightly and as she awoke I stood so still that I felt like a statue so as to not have the wet material of my now soaked pink pajama pants "what is it Soph?" Hazel said as she sat up in her bed "I uh..I peed" I said shakily "you woke up to tell me that" she said clearly annoyed "no...I..I mean in my bed" I said nearing tears. "Oh Soph are you ok?" She said now less annoyed and more sympathetic "I um.. I need help Haze" I said as I tried to collect myself, Hazel climbed out of her bed and I felt her soft hand slip into mine as she directed me to her closet where my clothes currently resided, "Soph just stay here" she said as she tentatively slipped her hand out of mine and I saw her disappear into the darkness of our closet. Hazel emerged soon with some fresh pajamas which where admittedly a bit childish but seeing as I wet the bed like I did when I was seven I think it's fitting to wear the same pajamas a seven year old would wear, Hazel passed me the pajamas and as I put my wet pajamas slowly onto the floor I changed into the pajamas slowly and I heard Hazel pick up the pajamas before running and putting them in the washing machine before quietly coming back into our room. "Soph we can sort your bed out in the morning, do you want to sleep with me" Hazel said much to my relief as I hopped into her bed and she slipped back in and put a warm and protective arm over me as I slipped into the peaceful land of sleep. "Sophie come on last day of school" Hazel stood over me clearly urging me on but in her kind peaceful way, as I got out of her bed I looked over to mine and saw the sheets had been stripped and as I walked downstairs I heard Amelia bubbling as in the night she got up and peed in the toilet and kept her pull up dry which made me feel even worse as a serial wetter kept her pants and even worse her pull up dry while I couldn't even keep my pants dry. As I sat down mum gave me a knowing but comforting look before returning to Amelia as she ran around the kitchen causing a mess and mayhem as she usually does, dad passed me a plate of a few pancakes announcing the last day of school for all three of us and the end of primary school for me. "Bye hon have a good last day, I have drop off Amelia at daycare so enjoy yourself" mum said as she stood by the door waiting for Amelia who came down in a pair of tights that didn't do a good job to hide her pull up and a pink Disney shirt. After breakfast I walked into Hazel and I's room and immediately headed for the closet where I found a cute pair of jeans and a light blue shirt with an even cuter penguin design and as I looked in the mirror I felt a hand pull me out and as I stumbled out Hazel smiled before closing the door on herself. I started my walk alone and before long I reached "her" house, Isla has been my best friend since we where three and were the only two toddlers at our kindergarten to still wear pull ups. As I rung the bell to her house the door opened and Isla followed as she jumped hugging me squealing about the last day of school, Isla has always been there for me and funnily enough we both finished potty training at the same time except at seven I relapsed and had a few bedwetting accidents and as they were a fluke I hoped my previous nights accident had also been a fluke. As we walked Isla talked about all the fun we would have over the holidays and I sadly had to remind her my family was going away for the first two weeks of the holiday but after that we will be fine, Isla was sad about my going away but was happy as she wanted to spend every moment of the last four weeks of the holidays together. When we walked into school you could hear the excitement around every corner and luckily the teachers where feeling nice so as we walked into our first class of the day the teacher decided to turn on Harry Potter which was great as Isla and loved the series. After a lesson of games we had morning tea where me and Isla went to the playground and just sat around talking and eating until the bell rung. The rest of the day went by smoothly and as I arrived home I was instantly hugged by mum being excited and as I walked into the kitchen to get some snacks I saw Amelia crying "mum what happened to Amelia?" I said making sure to keep my voice low "she leaked on the way home after she made it to the potty in time at daycare" mum replied clearly sad for her. I walked into the living room and got the tv remote off the coffee table "Amelia what do you want to watch?" I said in an attempt to cheer her up "bwuey!" she said excitedly and I complied turning it on and she came and sat on my lap. After thirty minutes Amelia started to squirm "Amelia do you need to go potty?" I said even though I knew she did "nuh uh, do you need to go potty?" she replied which surprised me "yes Amelia I do and I am going to use the potty like a big girl" I said trying to get her to use it. Amelia didn't budge so I let her pay the price as I sat on the potty wait why am I calling it the potty it's a toilet and I am big girl not a little one as I sat on the toilet I looked at Amelia's pink potty that had barely been used and as I looked around I saw a pink pull up in the bin. I wonder what it feels like to wear pull up  I thought to myself but then I remembered I am a big girl and I pulled up my panties that only big girls wear, as I sat back on the couch Amelia sat back on my lap with her pull up rubbing my leg under her dress and not even five minutes later my leg got warm and I knew Amelia had peed "Amelia why did you use your pull up and not the potty like a big girl?" I said actually a bit annoyed but Amelia just giggled and pulled up her dress revealing her swollen yellowed pull up "Minnie mouse bad I wike pwincesses" Amelia said and for a second I agreed with her but after a second I realised that was silly and I voiced this to her but she just giggled. "Amelia let's get you changed" I said taking her hand and taking her to her room where I pulled out a Minnie mouse pull up but remembered what she said and put it back in choice of a Ariel pull up which Amelia liked. After I changed her I let her run off and I went back to Hazel and I's room where she was laying on her bed and I walked up and just flopped on the other side of it, "what's up Soph?" A lot  "oh nothing I'm just tired and Amelia peed her pull up because she didn't like the design" I said as I lay my head on Hazel's chest "oh so it run's in the family then" she said catching me off guard "what?" I said quite shocked "well when you where like four you still wore your princess pull ups just like her you would only use the potty when you where wearing a Cinderella or like Ariel pull up or just any Disney princess mainly except snow white you hated her for some reason" Hazel said as if it was so normal and she was even stroking my hair which did feel nice except I felt young but she has always done it so I decided to let her keep do it. When mum called us down for the dinner I rushed down as I was incredibly hungry and as mum passed Hazel and I our plates I looked at the food which seemed really good we had some chicken, potatoes and some vegetables and as Amelia is still picky mum gave her some pasta and as we all took our time eating Amelia demolished her pasta but mum forced her to stay but Amelia ran away squealing "I need to go potty" but I saw her round the corner where she stood still before walking back in with her head down " oh Amelia did you have an accident?" mum said seemingly already forgotten her annoyance at her. Mum took Amelia to her room and in that time dad reached over for some more potatoes "girls we are going to watch a movie after Amelia goes to bed tonight so keep your options open and Hazel please don't pick anything that makes Sophie have nightmares for a week" he said which caused Hazel to giggle and me to blush "dad I was like seven" I said trying to justify my nightmares "it was so funny at how scared you got" Hazel said giving me a nudge. "And there is a fresh pull up for a big girl how about some desert guys?" mum said as she walked back in with Amelia in her fresh pull up and her Disney shirt, "yes please" I said fast "I'm with her" Hazel said as mum walked into the kitchen and grabbed some ice cream and bowls for all five of us. Mum handed us our bowls and some spoons and once again we savoured our ice cream while Amelia finished hers almost too fast "Amelia you got something" Hazel said pointing to Amelia's face which made her laugh but mum got a paper towel and wiped the chocolate off her face "ok Amelia seven o:clock time for bed" mum said as she took Amelia to her room. "Ok Amelia is in her nighttime diaper time for a movie what do we want to watch girls?" mum said as she walked down to where everyone was on the couch "the princess bride" I said excitedly "saw" Hazel said matching my excitement to annoy me "ok the princess bride it is" mum said as she ignored Hazel and turned on our movie. I lay my head down on the couch and stretched my legs out but they didn't go far as I'm quite small, as the movie progressed I would occasionally look outside and the darkness had quickly engulfed the outside world and before long the movie was done "ok Soph nine o:clock your bedtime" mum said and as I walked upstairs to the bathroom she said "do your teeth and go potty" and as I walked I heard Hazel try to mask her life. In the bathroom I did my teeth and as I sat on toilet I saw Amelia's clean pull up and as the door was locked I picked it up and I twisted it in my hand feeling the soft material and I heard the slight crinkle but as I finished I chucked it back in the bin before going to my room to change into my pajamas but on my bed was a pair of my older grey pajamas with a unicorn on the front and mum had wrote a note "just so you don't ruin anything nice, x" and I knew what it meant and was embarrassed but I slide on the old pajamas and they where actually really comfy and the soft material felt nice against my legs. I turned off the lights and slide myself under my sheet and I closed my eyes and my tiredness from waking up so early caught up and I fell asleep almost instantly. I woke up in a pink room and once again I felt different yet like I was normal and as I looked around I saw Amelia sitting in front of me but she looked to be older than me as if she was about eleven and as I looked around I saw myself and I looked like I was five but I knew this was right "Sophie you can't keep using your pull ups for the potty you have to be a big girl and use the actual potty" Amelia said and I looked down revealing I was wearing only a shirt and a pull up with a really bad design I think it was Snow White "Sophie I'm going to show you how to go potty like a big girl" she said and as she took me to the bathroom she sat on the toilet and peed "now your turn" she said and tried to take me to the pink potty sitting alongside the toilet "no potty I use pull ups" I said and stomped my foot "muum Sophie is refusing to use the potty" Amelia said proudly and as mum walked in she picked me up "baby you have to use the potty" she said but I just giggled and I felt the warm pee spread around my pull up. I woke up in darkness again and I knew once again I was wet and I stood up and walked to Hazel's bed "Hazel, Hazel happened again" I said tearing up "oh Sophie not again, lets get you changed then" she said and as I took off the soaked pajamas she passed me another pair of light blue shorts with a matching light blue shirt with Ariel on the front. Hazel but my washing in the laundry again "do you need a hug?" she said and I cried as I hugged her "do you still need to go?" she said and I shook my head and as I lay in her warm bed I felt safe again especially when she hugged me and I fell back into sleep. 

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