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Ch. 2

Warning: this chapter contains homophobic slurs

It's the end of the day now and I'm getting ready to head into work. I work late, long hours in a bar downtown owned by my aunt. She knows about our family's situation so she decided to let me work there to earn extra cash. I head out and take the bus since my sister is doing after school work with her friends. A few minutes later the bus arrives and I head in. it's only 9pm yet there are many people inside.

"Lucas!" I hear my aunt call out.

"Aunt Monica" I say, smiling.

"Today is going to be a slow day since it's monday, so you can head home early today" she says.

I nod heading to the back to get cleaning supplies. My aunt doesn't allow me to work behind the counter so I just clean the mess people have made. I quickly make my way out and greet one of the bartenders, Cherry.

"Hi, Cherry," I say with a smile.

"Hey, Lucas. How are you?" she asks. She knows me pretty well and knows a bit about the bullying going on.

"Good, how are you and your new boyfriend?" I ask, spraying and wiping down the tables near her booth.

"Good! We're going on a date tomorrow actually" she said, giggling a bit.

I smile and continue to talk with her while cleaning up. She mostly talks while I listen. I don't mind since I don't really have a lot to say. For the rest of the night we mostly talked aside from a few creepy drunk men flirting with me.

"Hey cutie, what's your name?" an old man asked. He had a scruffy beard with many white hairs scattered around.

"Uhm I'm only 16" I uncomfortably chuckled.

"Well, age is just a number," he said, smirking.

Before I could respond, Cherry interrupted me. "No get out before I call security you fucking weirdo!" she said, shooing him out.

"Thanks Cherry," I said, smiling.

"Anything for you." she said, returning the smile.

"Lucas, Cherry, you guys can leave early today," my aunt announced.

"Okay, I'm going to go bye!" I said, putting away the cleaning supplies.

"Bye Lucas! I'm going to stay a bit longer, '' Cherry said.

I nodded and headed to the bus to take a ride home. Normally I'd leave around 1am but since it's a short day I got to leave around 11. The ride home was quiet and short. A few minutes later I arrived home and carefully opened the door. I didn't want to wake anyone up so I took a quick shower and changed into my sleeping clothes before working on my homework. Because I'd get home pretty late I'd miss most of my school work since I sleep in class, so I'd have to catch up before I went to bed. Most of the work is pretty easy because I spent most of my free time studying. After about twenty minutes I finished the last problem and headed to bed. Normally I'd get some quick reading in before I sleep but I'm really tired today so I decided not to.


I woke up to my alarm blaring and the smell of pancakes. I quickly got up and changed into some baggy jeans and a gray sweater. I went to brush my teeth and fix my messy hair before heading downstairs.

"Morning Lucas" my sister said, finishing up the pancakes.

"Morning" I yawned, taking a seat.

"Mom already left," Mia said, handing me my plate of pancakes.

"Okay, thank you" I said, taking the syrup and coating the stack of pancakes with it. A few minutes later I finished up and headed out with her. The car ride was mostly silent other than the radio playing.

"Lucas, you'd tell me if Samuel is bothering you again right?" she suddenly asked.

"Yes," I said. I hate lying to my sister but I couldn't let her have even more stress than she does now.

"Okay, we're here" she said, unlocking the door.

"I'm going to head to class early, I'll see you later" she said before hugging me and kissing me on the head.

I nodded and parted ways with her. I went to my locker first to get some books for my first period. I hurried up since my first period is across the campus and because I don't want Samuel to try anything today.

"Hey Lucas! Wait up!" I heard someone call behind me, I turned around and I saw Rose.

"Hey Rose," I said, stopping.

"Hi! Sapphire's throwing a party tonight. Can you come with me please?" she asked, normally I would decline but exams since are coming up and I do need to loosen up.

"Sure," I said, continuing to walk.

"Great, I'll text you the address!" she said, before saying goodbye and going the other way.

I sighed before heading to class. Thankfully I made it without seeing Samuel, but unlucky for me he was in my next period, PE. I hated PE since i was not athletic whatsoever and because of Samuel.

The rest of the first period I fell asleep since I already knew most of the work and because I'd need energy for tonight. Tonight I'm working later than usual so that means either not showing up to school or just sleeping all the classes. The bell rang signaling that the first period ended and the second period was next.

"Lucas, can you stay behind for a bit?" My teacher asked.

"Uh sure" I said, I wonder what I did this time to get in trouble.

After everyone left she began to speak. "Lucas I've noticed you've been sleeping in class almost everyday now and have been missing a lot of days. Is everything okay at home?"

"Oh uhm yeah I've just been staying up a little late that's all, sorry" I muttered.

"Lucas you have one of the best grades in my class, but the amount of absence you have is concerning. I'm afraid if you keep up the absence I'll have to talk to the principal and you'll be suspended." She sighed.

I took a minute to process what she said before replying "okay uh is there maybe anyway I'd be able to make up these days? Maybe by detention after school, or extra work?"

"I don't know but I'll come up with something for you. I'll tell you if i find anything for you"

"Okay thank you Ms. Chapman. Can I go now?" I asked.

"Yes you may go." she said, turning back to the stack of papers in front of her.

I quickly made my way out and into the locker rooms for PE. Thankfully I wasn't late but as I entered I spotted Samuel. I rushed to my locker and tried to change as quickly as I could, hoping to go unnoticed, but thanks to my luck he spotted me.

"Fag" he yelled, causing his peers to laugh.

"Leave me alone Samuel" I muttered, keeping my head down low. Before he could reply the coach yelled for us to finish.

He bent over and whispered in my ear, "you're lucky coach save your ass." I shivered slightly before him and his friends erupted in laughter, jogging out the locker room. I sighed and quickly put on my busted up converse before heading out to the field. Luckily today we just had free time so I got to hangout near the back with Rose.

"I'm so excited for the party tonight!" Rose excitedly yelled. A few people turned their heads in our direction.

"Same" I said, smiling.

We continued to talk with each other until the bell rang and we went to change. The rest of the school day was mostly boring other than Samuel slamming me into the lockers, but that's normal to me now. Suddenly the announcements came on.

"Lucas Bloom please report to room 26, Ms. Chapman's room"

I sighed quickly making my way there. It was only a few minutes walk from where I was. As I entered the room I noticed Samuel sitting on a chair, looking annoyed. His football coach besides him looking happy.

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