_/Character Detail\_

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Ava Mochizuki

Status: Student
Age: 17
Height: 5, 6
Cursed Technique: ???
Pronouns: She/Her


"It's a moment in time where she can doze out of life...
forget stress and problems that lay on her shoulders"

White Roses
"They once reminded her of how loyal and pure she was when young...
the innocence she used to carry, the burdens that never weighed her down..."

"The sound of thunder rumbling throughout the horizon gives a weird calm sensation to her ears,
like a friendly reminder she's not alone"

Loli pops
"The only taste that numbs her tongue from the taste of blood"

"A chance to prove she's strong even without using her technique
That she doesn't need anyone to save her"

"Who doesn't just wanna drink your worries away?
Drink away the sounds of screams and shouts
Drink away all the blame and accusations"

The rain
"The sound of rain thrumming against the ground
sends a shiver of comfort down her spine"

"The season of a brand new beginning,
where everything blooms with new beauty and life
Hoping that one day...
Her life would take a new meaning"


"She hates mornings,
why get up so early to deal with the day
When she can hardly handle herself"

"She hates being the center of attention
She hates making a fool of herself in front of people
Who now thinks she's a fool herself"

"Waking up to the horrors she's experienced
Like a constant repeat in life
Haunts her head like a CD on loop"

Her Brother
"The one who left her to lead alone
The one to throw away her childhood
The one who blamed her when she already blamed herself
If she had the chance...
She would kill him in a heartbeat"

Loud Sounds
"Reminders of when she first obtained her cursed technique...
The crackling noises and screaming, glass shattering, and blood hitting the floor..
A reminder of his death"

"She hates failure
The moment something proves she can't handle it"

Eye Contact
"Eye contact holds secrets
And she doesn't want her secrets to be spilled
Nor look into the depths of humans' eyes and discover the bad about them"

"She hates love, love hates her
It's a mutual feeling
A feeling she doesn't know how to handle...
A feeling that crashes down on her like a tidal wave"


1. Her fear of abandonment keeps relationships short and brisk, refusing to connect with someone other than with a greeting or farewell
2. Ava can get emotional yet aggressive when drunk, always a mix of both
3. Ava smells of lavender and vanilla
4. She is always first recognized by her graceful appearance, yet also blunt responses
5. She is strong-willed and determined no matter the opponent
6. She won't hesitate to go to heavy measures to win a fight
7. Ava doesn't trust many and hardly takes orders she's given or shows the same respect, liking to take her own route
8. She finds comfort in watching the moon wane at night, as it reminds her of her father
9. Ava wears gloves when going out to contain her cursed technique so another accident doesn't happen
10. Ava views everyone around her as nothing more than grey figures that move like mist, only taking an interest in someone when they speak to her or do something to catch her eye


+ Confident, chill, seductive +
- Psychotic, unpredictable, arrogant -

Ava can be incredibly loyal to those who mean something to her, or those who have done something for her when others wouldn't.
Ava will not waste her time on people who don't interest her, viewing them as nothing more than pawns.

Distrustful and snappy at times.
Despite Ava's charismatic and charming demeanor towards people she just meets, its just the way in how she acts, sometimes coming off too blunt.

When she wants to know something, she won't hesitate to dig deeper, no matter how personal it is.


Boldness::  ___________|_
Patience:: ___|_________
Kindness:: ______|______
Speed:: ____________|
Strength:: ___________|_
Charm:: __________|__


Lovers: ???
Best Friends: Sakura & Akari
Father: ???
Mother: ???
Brother: Rai Mochizuki

Lovers: ???Best Friends: Sakura & AkariFather: ???Mother: ???Brother: Rai Mochizuki

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" I'm on my hands and knees for you, princess...~"

" Fucking manslut..."

—Author Note—

Dark mode? Yes


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