Make Sure To Plant Your Seed In Rich Soil!

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/Warnings/: This chapter contains:- cursing, fluff, humor, maybe a little bit of sadness, Luo Binghe making a new friend, and Shizun being one angry muffin!! All reviews are appreciated.

Make Sure To Plant Your Seed In Rich Soil! Healthy Cabbages Needs All The Nutrients It Can Get!

It had been three months since the Disciples Selection Day was over and done with; three months since Qing Jing Peak welcomed their new Shidi, the energetic brat that their Shizun took it upon himself to train daily, making everyone in the peak burn with envy at the thought of their venerable Shizun choosing this brat specifically and teach him exclusively. It had been three months since the brat came to their tranquil peak, ruining any peace they could have had just with his presence alone; three months since every Shijie and Shimei and even the hall Masters fell for that beast's charm and bent to his whims.

Now, Ming Fan wasn't the jealous type, he rarely if ever got jealous of someone or something; being the Head Disciple of Qing Jing and one of his Shizun's favorite and capable disciples. Ming Fan's future in Qing Jing was secured, and even a new Shidi coming to their peak and taking all of their Shizun's time and affection wouldn't change who Ming Fan was and what his role in Qing Jing was. So, really, Ming Fan didn't have anything to be jealous and angry of, even if that Luo Binghe brat waltzed around their peak daily and stole everyone's hearts.

So again, Ming Fan wasn't the jealous type who would get his friends to surround their new Shidi and teach him his place in their peak, not when everyone knew if Shizun discovered them bullying someone, he would personally throw them off his peak and be done with it. Ming Fan wasn't that stupid to risk his future and his stand in his venerable Shizun's life, even if his new Shidi deserved a good thrashing for being an idiot who needed a good few slaps to make him stop flirting with the Shijies and Shimeis.

Again, Ming Fan wasn't the jealous type, not at all! No matter how much his friends liked to tease him and claim that he was the opposite of what he believed himself to be. Anyway! As Ming Fan said, he was not a jealous person who would spend his days glaring and growling at a brat who was half his height and looked like he was going to keel over with just a wrong breeze coming out of nowhere.

Ming Fan was not the jealous type, uh-huh! He wasn't! But when that beast started to flirt with his beloved Shimei who started to follow that brat around and latch to him in every possible way... well, that was crossing the line, and Ming Fan would not be kept quiet about the brat that was threatening his Shimei's honor!

So here he was, marching to the beast with his friends, planning on thrashing the brat and teaching him how to stay away from the females in the peaks and not dishonor them with his disgusting mind games; how the hell did he manage to fool Ning-Shimei when the teenager was so amazing? Smart and capable without anything going unnoticed by her, did the beast manage to brainwash her or something?!

So, here was Ming Fan; glaring at the brat who was chopping wood and humming to himself with a stupid grin on his face that made Ming Fan twitch and glare harder at the boy hoping he would burn by his glare alone. His Shixiongs and Shidis looked at him before snorting, shaking their heads as they looked at the brat that was so tiny, it was almost comical to see him wielding an ax as long as him.

"Luo Binghe!" Ming Fan snarled, glaring at the boy who stopped in the middle of swinging his ax to look at Ming Fan looming over him, with a harsh glare that twisted his face into the perfect picture of rage. Not that it affected Luo Binghe who was still looking lost and confused as he looked at Ming Fan and then his friends who surrounded him.

How To Cultivate Healthy Cabbages; A Guide By Shen QingqiuWhere stories live. Discover now