Chapter 5 Finding out a few secrets

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After i had finished cutting and singing i started to get dissy ooh fudge I'm passing out again ugh really i hate doing this to my self *insert sight here* I managed to do the precautions for a deep cut i tough my self how to stop dying from it i have loads of suicidal thought but that would make them happy i can't believe i fell for josh I'm the most stupidest girl ever Jesus.

Ugh better get to bed the best part of my day well except breakfast and supper i missed out lunch see they always steal my food and throw it away saying it's for my own Good so i eat loads at home then go to that hell-hole of a place know as school.

I wish they would tell me why but guess not thank god their leaving for x-factor next week even though i think ill be dead they'll probably beat me to death ha wouldn't be surprised though. I wounder if they'll tell me sooner or later i don't know oh well.

I got a message who the fudge text's me no ones got my numb-- but that twat grr ok ok I'm not a dog or a bear cool it breathe and breathe ok their we got. I unlock my phone and read the message  i frown and read it again 

From Joshie 

Babe please hear me out meet me at the park outside you're house now :) xox

Ugh may as-well see what he has to say eh? so i pull on my blue jack wills jumper and walk out the door to the chilly night breeze. 

I turn and see him who shall not be named sitting on the bench he noticed me and ran upto me.

----An explanation later (I'm too lazy to do that part :P)

He told me everything woah they forced him to but still "i cant forgive you you helped them even if they forced you you hurt me to not hurt yourself i need a man not a boy sorry" and with that i went home.

-----The day the boy's leave and i've ditched ever since the talk with josh my parents wont give two shits about me so though fudge it-----------

I hadn't ran into them thank god i'd only went out for food shopping and to get clothes. 

___3 years and a famous bunch of bullies later_____

REALLY THEY FUDGING MADE IT OMG WANKERS ok im calm now oh well i made a few friend's when they left they go by the names of Julliet Parker, Shellbye Crossage and last but not least Louise Cassaby there the best people ever tonight were going to the cinema it'll be awesome. 

We choose the movie called Gone jes that shizz is scary I wouldn't get kidnapped without a fight tehe i started going to the gym when one direction left offical six pack owner here so what im a chick with a six pac be jelly ;). 

"ALEX LISTEN WILL YA" Julliet screamed in my face. i swear she's onna pop a lung with the amount she can yell "what is it" were being followed by a white van" Louise piped up i looked at her like she was rong then i saw it it was them oh fuck noo "guys remember how i told you about who bullied me" "yeah" they replied "remember how i told you they were one direction" they nodded "well i think were gonna be kidnapped so run on the count of 3 ok" I got a coruses of yes's and nod's.




"RUNNNNNNNNN" i screached i have a good loud scream too so haha Julliet ill give ye a run for ya money babe's wait no time to talk with self run tubby run

shut up me 

nope you

brain i mean it

jes you'r crasy talking to ya self 

F U Brain

ok im crazy suddnly a part of arm's wrapped around my wiast and the other girls but we all met at a gym so good luck boys. not really but oh-wel. i started kicking punching and screaming in every direction he was afected by my punches and kicks so yeah boi nice one.

But i soon felt a cloth over my mouth so i did what everyone would do not really i had my blonde moment and breathed in and blacked out fuck. my .life.

(A.N. teh pic at the side is her outfit for the cinema)

beaten, bullied, kidnapped and now loved (onedirection)Where stories live. Discover now