Patrick's POV

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Days ago.

A few days ago

I was grabbing some cats for my sadistic collection. As I did I noticed a car passing by. I never saw it before it looked Canadian a girl with brown hair and lightish brown skin and a white scar on her nose and brown tired eyes with slight eye bags and a long wolfcut with some hair tucked behind her ears and she was wearing a black shirt of the simpson's house glance at me two dogs mini pinchers, one was small and fragile like months old and the other was spoiled. Chubby and fat. Either way there was a dark brown black silk haired braided young lanky tall adult. Their car parked in near the local arcade movie theatre

I thought to myself
'huh? Newbies are here.' I said as I glanced at the back of the car noticing- CANADIAN PEOPLE? that's new. I thought to myself before I walked off to Henry and belch victor and told them about the newcomers

Belch Huggins 'Reggie': "newbies you say? a young adult and a 'pretty' girl? Sounds pretty new besides Greta and marsh." He saids as he lit a joint before I snatched it and stepped on it
Henry bowers: "what the fuck man?!- oh? a pretty girl and a young adult? Don't mind if I.."
Victor criss: "oh shut it. we can do something to the girl."
Me: "oh shut it. Finders keepers man. Plus their car stopped in on the local arcade. She's into that. and she's Canadian."


A few days after that incident
I was with the gang glaring at people who passed by and smirked a lot and sometimes licked my lips. As I did I noticed the losers club walk over to the new girl. Turns out she moved here earlier when she introduced herself she mentioned her name was 'cappo-smallboy' pretty weird and she mentioned she lived in the city of Alberta we tried to guess red deer? Calgary? But it turns out it was Edmonton. she mentioned she was native. Indigenous she called it it explains her appearance. I never really saw it in her actions and all. psh. the losers are really trying hard. I wonder what's special about her. I wondered to myself she did mention her name was Alice and she has a long ass legal name.

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