💫𝓐 𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓷𝔂 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽💫

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I was quietly reading a book whilst lying in bed with my puppy called archie all snuggled up next to me and making cute little snoring noises all curled up into a ball next to me. I loved him so much.

The night was a dark and rainy type of night you know the ones that are good for listening to the rain fall onto your window whilst you slowly yet calmly fall asleep?.

As I was still focusing reading in my bed I felt quite tired. I usually read before I go to sleep doesn't anyone??.

As the time slowly went by the time was nearly 11pm and I was exhausted from today's stuff and all I wanted was rest.

I carefully got up without waking archie up thankfully and tiptoed over to my slat lamp and turned it off and making it safely back into bed. I sunk under my covers of my bed and had my body facing my window as I heard the rain hit my window ever so slightly causing my to fall into a deep sleep..

💫𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓭𝓪𝔂💫

As I opened my eyes slightly to the morning light for today. I sat up and stretched and I looked around on my bed just incase Archie was on my bed anywhere and he was snuggled right up against me and his fur was kinda scruffy. I giggled and said.

"Awh Archie you silly pup!" I said with a smile on my face and that's when he woke up and did a big yawn.

"Tired aren't you boy hm?" I say in a baby voice and he stretched and started licking my hand.

"Your so cute but cmon let's get ready and start the day!" I exclaimed and Archie hopped off my bed and barked.

I giggled at Archie and slipped out from under my warm cosy covers and slipped on my slippers and grabbed my house coat and put it on. I headed over to my bedroom door which was open a crack for Archie to get in and out when he needed but also for some air.

Archie scurried out my door just as I opened it more and headed downstairs. The air was abit chilly but I got over it quickly.

As I made it downstairs Archie was in the kitchen at his food and water bowls making puppy eyes at me.

As I got into the kitchen I noticed Archie and I gave him his food and got him some fresh water which was nice and cold for him.

I started by thinking about what I wanted for breakfast and I thought some toast may do. I grabbed the bread outta the bread bin and opened the wrapping for the bread
and took two slices of bread out. I put them into the shiny black coloured toaster and pushed the lever down on the toaster.

I headed over to my fridge and opened it and got a massive chill from the coldness of it and grabbed (y/c) spread out and closed the fridge door and headed over to the counter and grabbed a knife to spread the goods on the now cooked toast and I went over to my island table and took a seat close to Archie who was just finishing his food.

He waddled over to me and looked up at me as I was eating and sitting on my phone on insta. I had a few friends on insta such as Lana,Chloe,Sophia ect and was looking thru Their new posts and other stuff ect and that's when I noticed Archie was pawing my leg trying to tell me something and I looked down at him.

"What's wrong buddy??" I asked kindly looking down at him thinking of all the possible things he would want.

"You wanna go walkies?" I asked him and he started barking and doing little spins looking me and that's when I quickly went upstairs and got ready to go out.

I went for a shower quickly and got all dried up and got dressed with a white kint sweater along with some light-ish blue baggy jeans and tied up my hair in a pony tail and finally put a ribbon in my hair and tied it to look like a bow and also done my makeup.

The time was 10am which was perfect not too early nor too late and went into my closet and grabbed my black converse and put them on and tied them up then headed downstairs.

Archie was sitting at the bottom on the stairs looking up at me with his head tilted
and I quickly hurried down and grabbed my jacket and put achrie's red leash on and headed out.

The air was fresh yet cold but I was nice and warm anyways.

Hey guys first chapter hope you like it so far

Hey guys first chapter hope you like it so far :)

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