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I felt really tired after the long day I've had today.

I never really understood how tiring it actually was to be on a plane for about 10 hours then get off, explore and get to your hotel ect.

In the end it's not so bad because your actually finally at the place you wanted to be.

Alot of thoughts went thru your head causing me to zone out.

The song playing in your airpods made you think alot more about life and the moment you were having at that point

Archie looked at me with sad puppy eyes wondering if I was okay since he always looks worried about me.

I patted his head looking at him and smiled at him. He then licked my hand.

"Your such a cute boy Archie atleast someone listens to my problems and is supportive of my choices.

Archie snuggled closer to you and tried to fall asleep.

The song playing in my ear was at a close so I just put my aripods away and turned my phone off and listened to the waves rustle and quietly swish away calmly.

I checked the time. It was 7pm nearly time to go back to my hotel room.

Archie shot his head up and started sorta barking which scared me so I tried to tell Archie to be quiet but he just whined and barked again.

Once again told him to be quiet but he straight up stood up and barked like a intruder was near going to harm us and that startled me alot.

I sat up and looked over to Archie and noticed someone standing only a few steps away from me the person was wearing dark-ish shorts and white shoes and a white
t-shirt with some sort of red graphic on it.

I finally looked all the way up to see it was him..

The guy I saw in the cafe earlier..

I looked away and blushed badly at this.

Hey spoke to me saying.

"Hey uh be careful because the tide comes in quite quickly here" He said whilst looking down at me with his hands behind his back.

I was practically frozen in this moment and didn't know what to say so I just nodded at him.

"Hey can I well uh sit down next to you?" He asked kindly smiling.

I slowly nodded once again I couldn't stop staring till I finally said something which I wish I didn't.

"W-what's your name?" I said shyly.

"Oh me? haha my name's Albert what about you?" He smiled whilst looking to me.

"My Name's Y-Y/n" I blushed abit looking away.

"Cute name!" He exclaimed looking to the sunset.

"Say your dogs really cute! What's his name?" He asked curiously.

Archie looked at him and tilted his head
in confusion.

I tried to get more confident.

"His name's Archie" I replied.

"What type of dog is he?"

"Pomsky" I answered.

"Cute I love pomskys!" He said with a smile
and went to pet Archie.

I was really glad Archie was very chill because usually he isn't used to new people but with Albert he was.

Me and Albert chatted for a little and I slowly came outta my shell and spoke more and asked him stuff.

"Well I think you will enjoy Florida for the time your here for!" Albert replied smiling to me.

"Thanks I really hope so!" I exclaimed.

"Hey wanna meet tomorrow and I can show you around or you can come over??" He asked kindly.

I thought why not I'm making a new friend after all so how bad could it be or am I?.

"Sure why not!" I replied and I noticed Albert smile alot bigger.

Hes actual so adorable.

"Can I get your number so I know when to meet you?" I asked scared for some reason thinking it would be weird.

"Yeah sure!" He exclaimed and gave me his number.

As I put his number into my phone I noticed the time was 9pm and the waves were comming closer and closer to us.

"Well I'll see ya tomorrow y/n!" he said.

"Yeah see you tomorrow Albert!" I exclaimed.

I started walking back to the hotel realising how dark it was and couldn't seem to remember where it was again.

I tried to pluck up enough courrage to ask Albert before he disappeared.

"Um Albert!!" I felt so embarrassed for what I done.

But he looked back anyways and ran up to me asking me.


"Um do U know where this hotel is by any chance because I can't remember" I said blushing abit out of embarrassment.

"Oh yeah sure I know where it is I'll walk ya!" Albert kindly replied.

"Thanks Al" I froze and noticed what I just said and I think Albert noticed too.

I blushed slightly and I'm pretty sure he did too a tiny bit.

"Uh a-anyways let's go!" Albert said.

"Y-yeah come on Archie!" I said and he came running to my side as his red leash shone in the lamp light.

The walk back was really quiet because of what I said but I wasn't complaining.

I eventually got back to my hotel with Albert and we both said our goodbyes.

I then got into the hotel with Archie and got to the room then gave Archie a bath then dried him and I also had a shower then got dressed for bed and me and Archie went to sleep snuggled up to eachother.

Hey so this is a little bit more longer which is gooddd :3

Albert and bedrock<33

Albert and bedrock<33

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