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" hey guys it's been a while since i updated you guys but i'm all settled in at the new house so stay tune for a room tour , but today's video is going to be a day in the life and grwm " i said well setting up my camera in my vanity

" i have a internship today so i'm just going to do simple makeup look " i said well putting concealer under my eyes

" it's like 6:30 am right now and i have to leave the house by 7 so let's hope i can do everything i need to do " i showed them the time on my phone well talking

" okay i'm done with my makeup and i change to my outfit it's kinda simple " i said well showing my camera what i was wearing

" athenaa " i hear my mom yelling

" umm yeah i think that means i have to go but i'll talk to you guys when i'm in the car " i said well turing off my camera

" darling we really have to go " my mom said once again yelling

" i'm going i just have to fill up my water bottle " i told her well walking down the stairs

" it's not necessary i already filled it up for you now come on let's go before you're late " she said pushing me out the door

" mom it's barely 7 don't i have to be there at 7:45 " i told my mom

" yeah but i know how you are and we have to get you you're morning coffee and i want you to at least be a few minutes early " she told me well turning the car on

" you're so right " i said to well turning my camera on

" okay guys so we're ofc going to get coffee first but i think i'm just end my grwm part of the video right now next time i'll see you guys is when i'm back home from the internship" i said quickly once again turning off my camera and getting a stare from my mom


" okay get you're coffee fast so we can be on the way " my mom said well parking infront of the coffee place

" okay i'll be right back " i said opening the car door

i opened the door to the coffee place looking around there was a older lady sitting down with a computer right infront of her im assuming she was doing something work related, i walked up to the counter faced with a girl that looked around my age her name tag said emma

" hey what can i get you started with " she said with a smile on her face

" hey can i have a caramel ice coffee and a caramel latte " i said smiling at her

" yeah ofc what the name for the order " she asked

" athena " i answered

she handed me my order i thanked her and walked towards my moms car i put the coffee on the cup holders

" i got you a caramel ice coffee " i told my mom well watching her drive

" thank you darling are you nervous " she asked me giving me a quick glance

" kinda i don't think it's going to be that bad but i'm also kinda nervous since i don't know anyone " i told her well taking a sip of my coffee

" i think you'll be okay and you're dad did say there was going to be a girl you're age there " she said giving me a small smile

" yeah you're right " i said, the rest of the car ride was quite but the coffee place was like 10 minutes from the training grounds

Bad idea, lamine yamalWhere stories live. Discover now