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" can you skip this song " i said well looking up from my phone

" i thought you liked it " he said well quickly looking at me then back at the street

" he doesn't like it anymore because it makes him think of athena " amelia said

" that's not true let it play skip it, i don't care anymore " i said well looking down at my phone again


" come on this is one of my favorite song you have to dance with me " athena told the blonde boy well grabbing his hand

" i'm a horrible dancer ath you know this " i told her

" please at least this song " she said well giving me a smile

" fine " i said well following her

                                   (flashback end)

" so frenkie how's lamine " i heared amelia ask

" he's okay why are you asking me you see him almost everyday " the oldest answer a bit confused

" i think someone has a crush " i said well laughing

" i do not " amelia said a bit annoyed

" can you guys stop bickering we're here already and amelia i'm making sure to tell lamine to stay away from you " frenkie said well giving her a small smile

" you won't do such a thing " she answered well opening the car door


" are you excited for day two " my mom said well taking a sip of the coffee we bought

" i guess, i mean i asume it's going to be the same thing as yesterday " i told her

" yeah also we're having dinner at six today " she told me

" why six " i question well looking at her

" well you're father has a surprise for us " she quickly answered

" i wonder what it is maybe we're moving back to London " i said well smiling

" i wouldn't get you're hopes up we did just move and you're dad really likes barcelona " she said well pulling into the training grounds

" a girl can dream but bye mom " i said well opening the car door

" bye sweetie i'll be here at the same time as yesterday " she said well driving away

i walk into the building saying hi to the girl that helped me yesterday and walking towards the elevator and pressing the number 3 at least i think that was the floor i grabbed my phone to confirm it was the floor and also look at the room number for jocelyn office but as i was walking out the elevator i bumped into someone

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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