(CHAPTER 12. The Truth...

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What to say um- Is the end-


The crew finally found the Demon and the scroll she(The demon) have, but from that, Monkey King wanted quickly refused by what they said about doing so to the scroll, which was returning to it original places. Everyone was confused why and so does Monkey King himself relied he shout it out loud, giving quite eyes from them to Monkey King, and Mk, his student, questioned  him the reason why, which kind of just given Monkey King more to think and stress about, he only said that wanted to check what's it but not, his actual reasons...

(To Presents)

Is pretty late than what they thought it would take to go to living summon circle, Tang calls it, Pigsy's carrying Tang who's fully asleep giving Pigsy quite pressure carrying him, Mei and Sandy is just right behind them, but Mei is starting to nod off with arm crossed and eye lids starting to slowly closes off, and so is Sandy, but he isn't that tired as Mei and only nods off once a little while luckily. Then there is Mk and Monkey King, behind them four and walking slowly but Monkey King, was walking a bit further than Mk is till he(Mk) does noticed, "Is something up? Monkey King?.." he said quite softly but also hearable. The lone King stopped for a spit second and continued to walk at the speed he was walking on before, but this time, Mk walked more slowly so he's next to Monkey King, and also patiently waiting for his answer but no respond at all, Mk just turned his head looking around but to hear Monkey King Sighed after his head turns, giving him a small little surprised feelings, though, his head is still turned.

"Is nothing kiddo, just...been a busy day Ig(I guess)" Monkey King said while leading out a small chuckle, giving Mk to give attentions towards Monkey King before he continues; "Everyone else is probably tired as you and me, kid" his tone changed way better, almost to his casual tone but also tired tones from him, although, Mk nodded and agrees on Monkey King words, "Yeah...but when your going to teach how to get my own cloud though??" Mk said jokingly towards the topic, Monkey King joins in of course and they had another small laughters. But just then they noticed how the rest is all about nod their head, giving Mk a small panic questioning, "Are..we in the right direction?..." Mk said worryingly, and casual Monkey King said, "Ahh..Is fine, I think through the whole walk is just going straight till we hit to a mountain with symbols like" he shrugged his shoulder between his words, Mk wasn't too sure on his word about 'just' going straight forward but then remember what he said on his last couple of words, "Wait- symbol like mountain? What's like?" the curious Mk said, and Monkey King respond, "I think those are kind of like circles but it quite long time since I been here so Im not too sure, it can be covered by leaves and all" and the silents continues, but that's when everyone is all starting to feel sleepy and nodding off.

Mk suggested, who literally just fell on to the ground with grass, on having a small sleep before they get going before morning ,then, everyone agreed on his idea, Sandy who has everything prepared before, got his things out with the tent out and everyone slept inside, but one didn't...

Tang woke up, who been actually sleeping the whole thing, confused on what's happening but decide to shrug it off and wear his glasses to get out the tent to see what's going, seeing the Monkey King...sitting on a wooden log thinking or asleep, which he can't see from behind and went up to him to check.

Right after he tilted his head to see, Monkey King..has a tear on his face and had an small looking frown, Tang was pretty surprised, The Sun WuKong has a tear on him but, he's still a living creature Stone Monkey but seeing on a legendary and ancient cheeky monkey to be in the situation he sees feels unusual though, but who's to judge?

Instead, he tapped on his shoulder couple times to gets him wake up, and it worked but his eyes....was widen in worry, "Monkey King!...Are you ok?..." asked Tang, he sounds less worried than first, but actions shows it, Monkey King replied, "Im..." before he can continues he realised there's a tear at the corner of his left eye, and quickly wipe it off and continues to speak, "Yea...Im fine...Im fine..." his voice sounded normal but his face, sadness...

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