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Jake blinks his eyes open, disoriented, taking in his surroundings. Right, he's in Heeseung's apartment. He doesn't remember falling asleep, but a glance toward the window tells him it's dark outside.

"Sorry," Jake says, eyes bleary, sitting up from where he was still lying on Heeseung's shoulder. "Didn't mean to fall asleep, hyung."

"It's okay," Heeseung says, a hand coming up to smooth down Jake's hair. "You're cute when you're asleep." Jake flushes, looking away from Heeseung, but he leans into his touch. "I woke you up so we can actually get ready for bed. Sleeping in jeans probably isn't comfortable."

Jake hums, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He feels like he's made of lead, his body drawn to Heeseung's, wanting to flop down onto the older and go back to sleep. But he knows he should get ready, so he reluctantly stands up, stretching his arms over his head. He doesn't miss the way Heeseung's gaze fixes on the sliver of skin that peeks out from his shirt.

Heeseung averts his eyes, clearing his throat and fumbling to turn the TV off. Cute. "You can borrow some of my clothes to sleep in. I have extra toothbrushes too, they're in the bathroom cabinet."

"Thanks, hyung," Jake says, shooting him a tired smile.

They get ready together in comfortable silence, taking turns in Heeseung's little bathroom. It feels awfully domestic, but Jake tries not to think about it. Heeseung's clothes are a tiny bit big on him on account of their slight height difference, and they smell so strongly of Heeseung that he kind of wants to steal them when he leaves.

Heeseung's room kind of makes Jake want to laugh because of how empty it is. He has a twin bed tucked into the corner of his room and a desk with a computer. Jake does laugh when he spots something else, though.

"Why do you have eight keyboards?" Jake asks, turning to face Heeseung.

Heeseung just shrugs. "I like collecting them."

"Fair enough." Jake eyes the bed with furrowed brows. "There's no way we're both fitting there, right?"

Heeseung laughs, moving to his closet to pull some things out. A fairly large sleeping mat, some pillows, and some blankets. He throws them unceremoniously onto the floor. "You can have the bed," Heeseung offers as he fixes up the mat.

Jake shakes his head. "It's okay, it's your bed. I like sleeping on the floor anyway."

Heeseung chews his lower lip, hesitating. "You're sure? I really don't mind taking the floor."

"I'm sure, hyung," Jake insists. The truth is, while Jake does enjoy sleeping on the floor at times, he's mostly unsure if he'll be able to fall asleep at all in Heeseung's bed, surrounded on all sides by his scent. He's really, really down bad.

Heeseung sighs, then relents. He flops onto his bed with an oof and buries his face in his pillows, and Jake bites back a giggle, settling down onto the sleeping mat. It's comfortable, and the blankets are soft, so he has no problem making himself comfortable.

When he looks up at the bed, Heeseung is already staring back at him, eyes droopy as he blinks slowly. They look at each other for a while, sleepiness washing over both of them slowly.

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