Chapter 2- Darcy

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I come from an esteemed family of Vampire Hunters. It's a crying shame that I'm a Vampire. My family doesn't know it, and believe me, it's been really hard to hide it. I tell them that I feel uncomfortable eating in front of people, and they think that I have an eating disorder. I guess you could call it that, actually.  I sneak out once a week for... feeding purposes. I've only been caught once in the three years of sneaking out. It was Father who caught me sneaking out one night and I thought I was done for. But instead, he just gave me a wink and let me go out. He thinks I'm just being rebellious, as he was at my age. 

Today is my first day at The Academy, and I'm expected to carry on the family legacy and get top student. I doubt I will. I'm in our carriage and my head hits the glass gently as I look out the window. I doze off, my head hitting the carriage every so often. 

When I wake, we have reached The Academy. I've seen it in pictures, but it is much more grand in real life. It seems to be at least ten stories, and there are three buildings. The building in the center has a clock tower at the top. Father looks over at me. "That's The Stakes House. It's the house where all your classes will be held. That's where you'll meet for orientation." I give him a nod.

"Thank you for the information," I reply in a stiff voice. We never talk much. Mother does the talking for everyone at the table, which is an achievement when there's three children under the age of eight in the house. Seven in total; me and Tilde are both thirteen, going on fourteen. The cursed twins. We looks shockingly alike, considering that we're different genders. We have the same dark eyes, olive skin (though mine is lighter), and slightly crooked nose. Tilde cuts her hair the same length as mine, and I think that she's just rebelling against Mother and her idea of the perfect lady. She's more like what Father expects me to be. A teenage boy. Too bad his actual teenage boy is nothing like him, I have no interest in girls, parties, or drugs. 

I slowly walk to the door, and Tilde grabs my hand and squeezes it twice. She had to fight with Mother to enter the Academy, who thinks the whole thing is too vulgar for a "lady", even though Tilde is probably going to be a better slayer than me. We walk through the entrance gate, and I look around for a little bit, until someone runs straight into me. I fall, my legs tangled with the strangers. It's another boy, around my age with ashy brown hair. He has light freckles spread across his face , and his eyes are surprisingly hardened compared to his doll-like features.

 "I'm sorry for running into you, but could you help me find something?" His voice breaks the spell, and my face starts burning as I shake my head, still slightly dazed. My eyes dart around the room, eager to find something else to look at other than him. My eyes lock on Tilde, who seems to have lost me in the crowd. She looks uncomfortable, and tugs on her sleeve like she always does when she's scared.  

"Tilde!" I call her name, and start to her. I look back at the boy once more, and he looks at me with a slight sadness on his face and he turns to look for the object that he lost. I feel bad, my chest squeezing tightly.  Tilde grabs my hand once again, this time much tighter.

"What happened? One second, you were by my side, the next you dissapeared!" Tilde looks at me dissapprovingly, but with a slight grin.

"Some kid ran into me." I rub the back of my neck, which feels hot to the touch. "I fell." Tilde's smile widens, and drags me to the auditorium. I walk along the rows of chairs, looking for the one with my name on it. Tilde looks around, and then stops to wave at someone. I turn my head, following her line of sight. It's Joseph, my older brother. He has the same annoying grin, the same hair, but his eyes seem a little different, more sunken, harsher. A little more drained than the last I saw him. My eyes narrow, and I look towards the floor. I bite the inside of my lip, but slowly make my way towards him. 

"Hey Matilda!" Joseph grins, and glances over at me. "Hey Dracula." I wince. He's been calling me that since I was a child before I got turned, but I don't think it's a good idea to call me that when we're in a Vampire Academy. My hatred for Joseph runs farther than a stupid nickname, though that is one of the reasons. 

"Hello, Joseph. How's life treating you? I hope it hasn't been too harsh." I grin, my smile a bit too wide.  Joseph sighs. 

"It's, well. you know. " His smile falters. "I mean, we're in a vampire hunting academy. I got top student once, and then just stopped. That's all Father cares about anyways. Grades." He reaches in his pocket for a cigarette, and pulls out a lighter before stopping. He sighs. "I guess I shouldn't smoke with you kids around." 

I sit besides Tilde, resting my hand on hers. The lights dim, and I gaze at the stage. A man walks on the stage, and I'm instantly entranced. I can't feel Tilde and her warm hand, or the lush, velvet chair that I'm sitting on.  The candles on both sides of the room go out in one sharp movement of his hands, and the only light is on the stage, directing all the attention in the room to him. He claps his hands twice, to catch our attention, but it isn't needed. We are all quieter than the night. "Hello, Hello, everyone, new and old faces alike. I'm sorry for boring you older students, but I must now explain how the school works." 

Tilde squeezes my hand, and I'm pulled back to my chair. She looks at me, and though its barely lit, I can feel her grin from a mile away. She whispers lightly in my ear. "I think that this year is going to be fun." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14 ⏰

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