Read this if youre interested in more kindergarten content by me!

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So you've clicked on this, huh? You're either interested in reading more kindergarten stuff or you finished this book. Maybe both? If any of those options are the case, I appreciate you so much!! Coming to Wattpad every now and then to check my profile and seeing all the people who read my stories, all the comments, the votes... It makes me genuinely happier than it should make me, so thank you so much just for reading this :D!!

Noww, onto the announcement!!

This book was started on september 2022, and was finished a few months later. Obviously, my interest in kindergarten has decayed over the almost 2 years that have passed, but it still has a special place in my heart (Eww that sounds cheesy😭)

Now, if you like Kindergarten, im assuming you've seen the Kindergarten 3 trailer. If you havent, well, surprise!! We're getting a third game with new characters and all!!

This trailer got me jumping in excitement when i saw it, and im NOT exxagerating, so thats why im 100% sure than when the game comes out Im gonna be just as interested in this franchise as I was in 2022

What does this mean, you may ask? Well, new book!! The moment the game gets released and any youtuber or streamer uploads the gameplay (bcs I doubt im gonna be able to buy it), a new reader insert is gonna come out


-The characters (including you) are gonna be aged up (or down on your case, depending on your age) to be 14-16. This is so that they're more mature, and they're actions are more realistic

-There's gonna be some romantic tension between the reader and some characters, but theres not gonna be confirmed romantic interest, so that everyone is free to see it their own way (Example: Someone might want to think Ozzy has a crush on the reader. Someone else may prefer to imagine that same thing with Carla instead. Maybe another person might like to see it all platonic)

-Im not sure if its gonna follow the story of the third game or not, it depends on if i find it interesting enough, but it's gonna include all characters from the 3 games (maybe excluding some staff members or teachers, we'll see)

-As yall must've noticed, theres a bunch of grammar errors throught this book, maybe even made up words. When writing this, I was 11 years old and my first language isn't English, but I promise my English has gotten better and the next book will have better writing

Thats about it for now!! If you have any questions, let me know

Kindergarten 2 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now