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new and improved Pixie lore

t/w drug addiction, overdose, death, child sexual abuse

Pixie Taylor Blanc was born on January 29th, 1998 in some woods in Virginia to two van life parents, who we'll call Anna and Jeff cause who cares spoiler they're dying anyway

her parents were drug addicts and if they couldn't afford to buy their drugs, they'd let the dealer have their way with Pixie and that would serve as payment

one day, when Pixie was seven, she woke up to her parents dead of an overdose so she wandered to the town nearby unsure of what else to do and she approached a stranger who took her to the police where she explained her situation

Pixie was then placed in government systems (cause there was no record of her existing) and her aunt, Carly, who'd had no idea about Pixie up until then, opted to take her in

she began acting when she was twelve and got hired to be in Nighthawk however long after that I don't remember when the show started and that's ofc how she met and later married Violet

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