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t/w for suicide, child death/murder, heavily implied child abuse

good evening ladies and gentlemen (Artie)

Eddie now has a younger sister named Margot Madeleine Sophie Sollet. she's ten years younger than him and they have a different mother cause Eddie's mom, Frances, died when he was eight so Albert (Eddie's dad) remarried the step mom, Madeleine. her fc is Rachel McAdams and I'll probably make her the adoptive mother of Dangria's twins once I decide whether I want them to exist or not or maybe I'll give her some other adopted kid or I'll give her her own kid idk I don't know shit about fuck

Eddie's also has an older brother named Benedict Albert Francis Sollet aka Ben who was beaten to death by Albert when he was ten, which lead to Frances' suicide. he does not have a fc and idk if I'll give him one

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