Team Triple S goes to Walmart

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A few hours after the Whole Food's incident, Sonic then started to get hungry, as he checked the cabinets for food, however he didn't really find much.

Sonic: "You know what, fuck it, we're going to Walmart."


~At Walmart~

Shadow: "Did you really have to do this, Sonic? I mean, after what happened back at Whole Foods, we might as well just never show our faces in public again."

Sonic: "Please, all I was doing was scolding Silver, what's the worst that could happen?"

Shadow: "Scolding him?!?! You fucking yelled at him, you sick bastard!"

Sonic: "Just stop. Hey, speaking of which, where is Silver?"

Shadow: "Why don't you go look for yourself?"

Sonic: "Fine, I will! And I don't need you because I can do it all by myself!"

The black and red hedgehog then rolled his eyes as the other walked off.


~The toy aisle~

Sonic was walking by himself, walking through the far back of the store, when he saw a few gray spikes sticking out from the toy aisle.

He was a bit confused why Silver would be there of all places, but he brushed it off and walked towards the other hedgehog.

Sonic: "Uh... Silver, why are you here? I mean, God only knows how old you are since SEGA retconned our ages!"

Just then, Silver ran towards Sonic in some sort of panic, as he grabbed him by the shoulders. 

Silver: "....Sonic... you won't believe it... they have MERCH of us here!!!!"

He then pointed towards the far back of the aisle, where multiple figures and plushes of Sonic and his friends. 

Sonic: "Ummm... This is a bit creepy and weird. I'm.... gonna get the groceries. If you're not gonna go with me, then you're gonna be left behind. Bye!"

The blue hedgehog then ran off, leaving Silver behind.

Silver: "No, Sonic! Wait up!"


~The frozen foods aisle~

Sonic: "Aw, fuck, I forgot to get a shopping cart. Can you go get one, Silver?"

Silver: "Sure thing!"

Suddenly, a light blue aura surrounded the gray hedgehog's hands, as the same aura also surrounded the shopping carts at the front of the store, as one was then lifted in the air, as screams of confused customers could be heard. 

The aura around the cart vanished, as it fell to the floor with a thud, alarming several other customers.  

Sonic: "SILVER!!!!!!!!"

Silver: "What? You clearly said to get a shopping cart, so I did. Honestly, I have no idea why you're so mad at me-"

Suddenly, a pissed off Walmart employee spawned behind Silver, as he pointed towards the exit.

idk what to put for his name: "I want both of you OUT of here this instant!!"

Silver: "...yes...sir..."


~Outside of Walmart~

Sonic: "Man, I can't believe that this happened a second time, and it wasn't even my fault! Hey, wait a minute, where's Shadow, shouldn't he be kicked out too?"

Right after he said that, a bit of green energy emerged out of nowhere, as Shadow appeared right next to the two.

Shadow: "I heard about what happened, and I used Chaos Control rather than getting out of the store normally, because I'm the Ultimate Life-Form, and I can do that."

Sonic: "Whatever, can we just go home?!?!"


~At home~

The front door then slammed open, as the three hedgehogs then walked, sharing the same look of misery on their faces.

Sonic: "Ugh... I don't feel like yelling at you, Silver, so let's just end the story so that way the writer can go on with his life."


The end 

(I need therapy.)

Team Triple S goes to Walmart (With new characters)Where stories live. Discover now