Chapter One

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“Come in, Caelyn.” The principle showed me into her office and as I slowly closed the door, I could feel the eyes still sticking to me like glue. Not a word was spoken; just awkward glances and disturbed stares were thrown at me. No one welcomed me with a happy smile or a friendly handshake like I had imagined happening. Everything was going wrong.

            “Now here is your schedule for this quarter. I will show you to your first class and then I can have someone help you find your other rooms. Let me look at my schedules and see who is on the same one as you.” My principle pulled out some files and I sat there, patiently, waiting for her to give me a “buddy” for the day. She found a name and then stood up and walked me to my first class. This school was bigger than I originally thought, and I was certain I was going to get lost within a second of having to move to a new room. She opened the door and called a boy out into the hall. Everyone who had a view of me was staring again, and it was still dead silent. Is there something on my face? Or? I got lost in the thought of my hair being messed up, or my makeup being smeared and I looked like a dork.

            “Caelyn, this is Jackson. He has all the same classes as you, so he will be able to help you around until you get used to the school.” She walked away and left me in the hall with this boy I barely knew.

            “Hi!” Jackson greeted me with a smile and sparkling eyes.

            “Hi!” I was extremely excited for someone to be nice to me. So far, my day hadn’t gone as planned.

            “What’s your name, Red?” Jackson had already given me a nickname and we hadn’t even exchanged more than two words yet.

            “Caelyn. Caelyn Ricotti.” I smiled at him.

“Beautiful name you have going on there. We should go into the classroom now.” Jackson walked into the room and I followed, hesitantly. Everyone was staring again, but it didn’t seem to faze Jackson at all. He continued to his seat and the teacher held me back so she could introduce me to the class.

            “Class, this is Caelyn. She’s new in town so I hope you all can welcome her with open arms and minds. You may have a seat over in that seat right there.” She pointed to the open seat beside Jackson and I found myself overjoyed I was able to be by him. I took my seat and everyone continued to stare at me, even if it meant they had to turn themselves around in their seat to see me.

            “Why is everyone staring at me?” I whispered over to Jackson.

            “I don’t know. Just ignore them Red. You don’t mind if I call you that do you?” He looked concerned.

            “Why would I mind? I’ve never had that nickname before.” His features softened as he realized my approval.

            “Do you want to join me at my table for lunch today? I mean, unless you’ve met some other people you want to eat lunch with.” Jackson was being so sweet, and all I could think about was how he didn’t fit in with these people at this school.

            “So far, you are the first person I’ve talked to all day. So, I’d love to eat lunch with you!” I was ecstatic about my making a new friend. He was kind, gentle, and caring. Something I didn’t see in the others here at the school, but I wasn’t going to judge them like that. I needed to give them a chance, unlike the “chance” they gave me.

            My teacher rambled on and on about the quadratic formula, which I already knew by the way, and I stared out the window completely blocking out every sound except the birds chirping. The window was open, and the breeze was beautiful. Before I knew it, the bell was ringing and it was time to leave. Jackson helped me to all my classes, letting me sit beside him in every single one. Maybe this won’t be as bad as you thought Caelyn. 

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