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Chapter six

Returning to her chambers, Vaiana's heart was heavy with concern as she noticed Edmure's absence. The room, adorned with tapestries depicting dragons in flight, felt unusually quiet and empty. A lone maid, quietly tidying up, looked up as Vaiana entered.

"Have you seen Edmure?" Vaiana asked, her voice tinged with worry.

The maid shook her head, her expression sympathetic yet uncertain.

Vaiana sighed deeply, her footsteps echoing through the halls as she ventured out in search of her husband. Turning a corner, she nearly collided with Otto Hightower, whose presence immediately caught her off guard.

"Otto," Vaiana greeted him with an awkward smile, her voice betraying a hint of discomfort. "It's... been a while."

Otto inclined his head respectfully. "Indeed, Princess," he replied evenly, though his gaze was curious.

Vaiana glanced around, her brow furrowing in concern. "Have you seen my husband, Edmure?" she asked abruptly, her tone more urgent than she intended.

Otto's expression shifted to one of slight confusion. "Your husband?" he repeated, clearly taken aback by the directness of her question.

"Yes," Vaiana affirmed, her gaze searching his face for any sign of recognition. "Tall, with brown hair, probably looking like he'd rather be anywhere else—"

Otto shook his head slowly. "I'm afraid I haven't seen anyone matching that description," he replied.

Vaiana nodded quietly, disappointment settling in her chest. "Thank you," she murmured softly, her voice trailing off as she turned to continue her search.

Vaiana walked through the courtyard, her steps deliberate yet burdened by the weight of her pregnancy. She stopped abruptly upon hearing Edmure's voice, turning to find him engaged in conversation with Larys Strong.

A frown creased her brow as she silently questioned Edmure's choice of company.

Larys noticed her approach and greeted her with a slight tilt of his head, a hint of familiarity in his eyes. "Princess Vaiana, it has been many years indeed. You've grown into quite the woman since last we met."

Vaiana managed a polite smile, though her unease lingered. "Edmure, what matters are you discussing with Larys?"

Edmure's grin widened as he beckoned her closer. "I was just regaling Lord Larys with tales of our recent clashes with the Brackens."

Vaiana nodded awkwardly, her tone tinged with criticism. "The Brackens seem to revel in conflict, do they not?"

Larys arched an eyebrow, his confusion evident. "Princess, the Brackens are staunch allies of ours. What brings such criticism from you?"

Edmure interjected, his voice tinged with seriousness. "Our house, Castleroy, has had its share of disputes with the Brackens recently. There have been skirmishes aplenty."

Larys raised both eyebrows now, his tone subtly mocking. "Castleroy, you say? Forgive me, but your house is not one that frequents the tongues of courtly gossip. Which branch of Castleroy do you hail from?"

Edmure's face flushed with indignation, preparing a sharp retort, but Vaiana cut in smoothly. "Edmure, your herbs in the sacks will spoil if you tarry any longer. Attend to them before they are lost."

Edmure fell silent, chastened by Vaiana's interruption. He glanced down, his embarrassment palpable, then nodded curtly to Larys. "It was a stimulating conversation, Lord Larys. Until next time."

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