Chapter 28

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With the dismantling of the Avalanche Energy Bomb and the successful retreat of the Immortal Blade Team, the matter in Skydome City has finally come to an end.

Under the positioning of Totoli's remote beacon, Wendy easily teleported the four Kiana to Hyperion. Seeing the familiar scene, Himeko sighed: "Being able to teleport at such a distance, should it really be Wendy?" Gathering

her mind a little, Himeko saw Teresa carrying Judas smash the door open. After seeing the familiar face, Teresa let her guard down slightly.

"Himeko, how did you come back, and how did you come back?"

"What else? After solving the problem, Wendy teleported us back! It's you, how did you smash the door. Do you really think so much of us? Listening

to this, Teresa was also a little embarrassed: "Four high-energy collapse sources suddenly appeared on Hyperion, and anyone's first reaction was that someone had invaded!"

"Then you won't use that wind authority to take a look first?"

"Subconscious, subconscious. Hey!

After a few small talks, Teresa also remembered business: "You said that Wendy sent you back." What about her now?

For Teresa's question, Himeko, who was treating vodka as plain water, shrugged: "Who knows?" We also learned that Wendy had always been there for us after solving the Avalanche Bomb. "

Himeko's words have another meaning: Wendy may be hiding in the shadows to peek at us now, Teresa, pay attention to what you say."

But in reality? Wendy was sticking with Little Bird at this time. Just like Kiana said, "If there is a bud, there will be a hundred people of power!" "All the same, Wendy is now replenishing Totoli's energy.

"How? Wendy. The scenery above the clouds is good! "

Hmm!" In the thick clouds, Wendy was spinning in circles freely: "I suddenly feel that this world is also very good, if it was a previous life, it would not have been such a magical experience." Walking

among the marshmallows, Wendy suddenly wanted to eat ice cream: lying on the clouds and eating ice cream must taste great!

As if seeing someone's current thoughts, Little Bird suddenly stuffed a yogurt-flavored ice cream into her mouth.

"Woo-hoo, too big to mess with."

Pulling out the cone inserted in her mouth, Wendy licked her sticky lips, and then looked at Totoli resentfully, "Are you trying to choke me?" Such a big root was inserted directly, if it weren't for the fact that I was a lawyer, I would have broken down and sent to the hospital.

"Ahaha! It is precisely because you are a lawyer that I am so presumptuous! After

searching in the freezer again, Totoli only found a dark chocolate-flavored ice cream - not the same as Wendy, which was a bit of a pity.

However, Little Bird is not a pretentious person, and after tearing open the package, he and Wendy lie on the Arkon creation and lick the ice cream cone.

During this time, the little bird even very environmentally transmitted a quarter of the circumference of the earth to throw the bag into the trash.

I, little bird, am a good lawyer who does not litter.

The gaze returned to Teresa's side.

Hyperion flew extremely fast, and if it were usual, they would have arrived at the rendezvous point long ago.

But it happened that they ran into Youlandale, who rushed to Skydome City to support, a few days ago. Probably because she was supporting the emergency, they just gave Hyperion a shot, broke an engine and ran away.

Reincarnated as Wendy in Honkai impactWhere stories live. Discover now