Episode 4: Mixed Signals

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Scene :School library.

Thomson and Juli are studying together at a table, books spread out in front of them

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Thomson and Juli are studying together at a table, books spread out in front of them.

Thomson: (focused) Juli, do you understand this part of the math problem?

Juli: (sighing) Not really. This is tough.Jordan walks in, carrying drinks. He joins them at the table.

Jordan: (cheerfully) Hey, guys! I brought drinks. Thomson, I got your favorite.

Juli: (slightly annoyed) What about my favorite drink, Jordan?

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Juli: (slightly annoyed) What about my favorite drink, Jordan?

Jordan: (smiling) Sorry, Juli. I'll get yours next time.

They start drinking and chatting. Later that evening...

Scene : The Cinema.

Outside the school, the trio decides to go to the cinema.

Juli: (excitedly) Let's go watch a movie! It'll be fun.

Thomson: (hesitant) I'm not really in the mood for a movie, guys.

Jordan: (insistent) Come on, Thomson. It'll be great. You need a break.

They finally convince Thomson to join them.

At the cinema, Jordan sits beside Thomson

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At the cinema, Jordan sits beside Thomson. They laugh and enjoy the movie together.

 They laugh and enjoy the movie together

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Scene : School trip announcement.

The students are excited about the upcoming forest trip.

Juli: (enthusiastically) A forest trip! This is going to be amazing!

Thomson: (nodding) Yeah, sounds like an adventure.

Jordan: (grinning) Can't wait!

Scene: On the bus.

Jordan sits beside Thomson, making Juli feel uneasy.

Juli: (to herself) Why is he always sitting with Thomson?

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Juli: (to herself) Why is he always sitting with Thomson?

At the forest lodge, the students are assigned rooms. Jordan and Thomson share a room.

Juli: (watching them, confused) Why are they always together?

Throughout the trip, Juli observes Jordan constantly caring for Thomson. She grows more puzzled by their dynamic.

Juli: (thinking) What’s going on between them? Why is Jordan so attentive to Thomson?As the trip continues, Juli becomes more uneasy, trying to understand the bond between Jordan and Thomson

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Juli: (thinking) What’s going on between them? Why is Jordan so attentive to Thomson?As the trip continues, Juli becomes more uneasy, trying to understand the bond between Jordan and Thomson.

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