Chapter 1 : Unleashing the Darkness

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The darkness of the night seemed to cling to the dilapidated old house, as if it was afraid of what lay within

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The darkness of the night seemed to cling to the dilapidated old house, as if it was afraid of what lay within. But inside, five teenager girls were about to find out just how terrifying the night could be.

The girls, dressed in skimpy pajamas, were determined to have a fun night of paranormal activity.

The girl who planned the whole things is Jasmine. She is 16, with a sly, cunning smile on her face. Her black hair hangs in loose waves around her face, and she stands with her hands on her hips, defiant.

The girl standing directly behind her, the bookworm, is Sarah. She is 15, with a shy, nervous smile on her face. Her hair is a mousy brown, and she stands with her head ducked down, trying to hide behind Jasmine.

Standing next to Sarah is Claire. She is also 15, but has a completely different attitude to Sarah. She is tough, strong, and independent. Her black hair is pulled back in a tight braid, and she stands with her arms crossed, looking completely unimpressed.

Next to Claire stands Olivia and Emma, 16-year-old twin sisters. They are practically identical, but their personalities couldn't be more different. Olivia is calm and confident, while Emma is cheerful and excitable.

They had prepared a satanic ritual that they had found online, and now they were about to put it to the test.

The girls sat in a circle on the dusty floor, a single candle providing the only source of light in the room. They all wore eager and anxious expressions on their faces, as if they were both excited and terrified by what was about to happen.

"Are you all ready?" asked the ringleader of the group, a brunette named Kayla. The other girls nodded nervously, bracing themselves for what was to come.

"Good," Jasmine continued, a sly smile on her face. "Let's begin the ritual." She lit a few more candles around the circle, casting an ominous glow on the girls' faces.

The girls held hands, forming a circle around the candles. A few of them were shaking slightly, their bravado fading a little as they realized what they were about to do.

 A few of them were shaking slightly, their bravado fading a little as they realized what they were about to do

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