Chapter 6 : Is this over ?

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It was rainy morning, and the girls were slowly waking up from their night of debauchery. They were laying there on the floor, the cool morning air passing through their naked body and giving the sensation of arousal to their swelled dry pussy covered in cum.

The girls groaned, their bodies still sore and tired from the night before. They slowly sat up, blinking sleepily in the early morning light.

"What the hell happened last night?"

Claire, the tomboy, said, her voice hoarse and rough from sleep

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Claire, the tomboy, said, her voice hoarse and rough from sleep.

The girls all looked at each other, their eyes widening as they remembered the events of the previous night.

"And we... we..." Olivia, the twin, couldn't seem to finish her sentence, her face turning red with embarrassment as she remembered their actions.

"We... we got intimate with him, We... we summoned a demon, seduced him and gave our virginity. And I can't believe I took that huge cock in this little tight pussy. Such a horrible intense intercourse with the devil pussy is wet again just by thinking of him " Sarah, the bookworm, said, her face a little flushed as she said the words out loud.

"All the girls exclaimed at the same time, " I was vergin' too, I can't believe I took that monster's cock. And that motherfucker was calling us whore..huh.."
The girls were all silent for a moment, letting the words sink in. They couldn't believe that they had done that.

"Do you think he was real?" Olivia asked, a hint of fear in her voice. "I mean, he just... disappeared."

"I don't know," Sarah said, her face growing serious. "But I have a feeling that he's not gone, I mean how could he go like this, after all, he is a satan. Something doesn't feel right."

As the girls spoke, a cold chill went down their spines. They realized that something was indeed wrong, the air was thick with a sense of dread and foreboding.

Jasmine said," heyy.. don't be a coward and just forget about what we have done last night, look at me..that was my idea and I took that monster's dick in my every hole..if I'm not afraid then you shouldn't be too.."

The girls, still shaken by the events of the previous night, decided it was time to leave. They gathered their things and started walking home together, each lost in their thoughts. They were all trying to shake off the uneasy feeling that something was wrong. The walk home was silent, each of the girls deep in thought.

When the girls finally arrived home somehow, they were met with a barrage of questions from their parents. "Where were you last night?" "Why do you look so tired and dishevelled?"

The girls tried to brush off their parent's questions with vague answers, not wanting to reveal what had really happened. But their parents were far from satisfied, they could see that something was off about their daughters.

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