The Revenge

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"Six months?" is that all he got. I'm so sorry to hear that.

"He should have got more if you ask me!"

"Lock him up and throw away the key!"

"What about compensation?"

Jo had some great friends and a great network of support, especially from the gym. But she didn't know the answers to their questions, although they weren't exclusively their questions; they were also her questions. The same things had been going through her mind.

Collins received a pathetic six month suspended sentence, he somehow kept his job where Jo was released-no more temporary work available was the excuse provided. Jo couldn't figure it out. How come she was the victim, and yet it seemed her punishments were worse than Collins's? The only good thing about it was Jo had become a bit of a legend when people heard about her battle with the forklift and her extraordinary, desperate strength. A local company had even got in touch to see if Jo wanted to advertise their forklifts for them, but Jo thought it was the wrong reason for the attention. People seemed to quickly forget what a dangerous man Collins was. The question Jo asked herself was, how many more were there? Was she the first?

"Why didn't you hurt him?"

"You're stronger than he was!"

"You should have beaten him up."

Not only questions but opinions, statements, and what everyone else would have done. But they weren't there, were they? Jo was happy with how she handled the situation. She was there at the time; there was no time to review or consult. She was pleased with her actions. Still, something niggled in the back of her mind. Revenge.

"Turn left," said the satnav.

"Stupid bitch get it right!" shouted Collins at the female voice.

A woman was standing in the way as he came down the exit ramp.

"Get out of the way, stupid woman!" shouted Collins.

An unknown woman stood at the bottom of the exit ramp in the roadway.

"I'm not bloody moving!" shouted Collins out of the window.

She didn't move, nor did the driver. As the car approached her, she still didn't move, remaining in the way. The vehicle continued down the exit ramp and drew level with her; a loud bang was heard.

"Shit! She's hit my car," said Collins aloud, stopping and getting out to check for damage.

"What the hell are you playing at?" he shouted as he exited the vehicle.

The unknown woman ignored him, her hood up.

"Oi! I'm talking to you," he raised his voice.

She turned and looked at him, lowering her hood.

He recognised Jo straight away.

"You're not supposed to come near me!" he instructed.

"I think you'll find that it's the other way around," Jo replied.

"You've dented my car?" he pointed to the foot-shaped dent in the car's bodywork. He was angry.

"Prove it. Anyway, what will you do about it?" she threatened.

"Call the police!" he replied in a threatening manner.

He fumbled for his mobile. Jo walked closer to Collins. The next thing he felt was pain in his stomach, causing him to double over. Jo grabbed Collins by the scruff of the neck. He tried to escape, but unable to offer any challenge, she overpowered him quickly. Jo pushed Collins over to the wall. His back slammed against the wall. Slowly, her hand moved upwards to his throat as she pinned him back with her other arm. Collins against the wall. His back slammed hard into the thick concrete wall.

"Was there anyone else?" asked Jo.

"What do you mean?" Collins was confused.

"Who you filmed and tricked?" Jo was getting angry.

Her grip tightened, causing her forearm to tense. She started to lift Collins off the ground, her arm powerful like a hydraulic ram. His feet rising onto tiptoes, Collins struggled for breath as Jo lifted his puny body entirely off the ground with one arm, her bicep swelling with power.

"I guess to see things a little differently when you're the victim, don't you think?" Jo watched Collins squirming.

Both of his hands grabbed Jo's wrist in a futile attempt to try to release her powerful vice-like grip. His face was turning red as his feet kicked, trying to locate the ground desperately. Jo released her grip; he dropped to the ground, splattering and coughing as the oxygen flowed back into his body.

Collins stood up.

"You're a fucking maniac!" he proclaimed.

"Not nice, is it!" replied Jo.

"I used to box! I'm not afraid to hit you!" he warned.

Jo laughed.

"I'm faster, and you know that I'm stronger than stronger than you," said Jo.

"What is it you want? Money??" asked Collins.

"You don't even know?" Jo was buying belief.

Collins got closer to try and intimidate her. She punched him hard in the chest, so hard that he was winded. He doubled over. Grabbing his shoulders, she struck then struck his face forcefully with her knee a couple of times. She then straightened him before kicking him in the chest. The powerful kick knocked him off his feet and set him flying into his back; he again hit the ground hard. Collins was now bleeding from the mouth. His mobile phone fell out of his inner pocket. Jo picked it up and held it against her leg, just above her now bent knee. She pushed down With both hands on either side of the phone. There was a cracking noise as the glass started to crack and shatter on the expensive smartphone. Slowly, she bent the phone in half and then snapped it, dropping both pieces to the ground.

Jo turned around and walked up to the car. Opening the driver's door, she started pushing it against the hinges. Her powerful legs as she pushed the car door until it was back against the front wing of the car. Groaning under the strain of her strength, the hinges failed, and her strength caused the steel to warp and buckle.

"I love being so fucking strong," she said as she kicked the folded door in victory.

Collins got up, wiping the blood away from his face.

"I hope you like what I did to your car!" Jo smiled.

"Fuck off," said Collins.

"You are a Pathetic old man. Enjoy explaining how your door got damaged," said Jo.

She walked off stopping abruptly and turned around.

"You never even said sorry!" shouted Jo.

She continued walking away.

"That was therapeutic!" she said, smiling to herself.

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