Vault Virus

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"Vault 81, friendliest vault around. Because here, they don't shoot on sight."

"Why are we here detective?" The Silver Shroud questions his partner.

"We've got a case. I'm sure they'll be happy to go over all the gritty detaiiles in person." Nick presses the intercom.

"What?" A grumpy voice snaps.

"This is Detective Valentine and my partner. You asked us to-"

The synth gets cut off. "Yeah hold on a sec. Overseer said to let you in." 

God why do the vault doors have to be so damn loud. Nick grimances and turns down the sensitivity of his hearing.

"Good you're here." A redheaded woman greets the duo as they walk in.

"Follow me. I am Overseer Gwen McNamara. The situation at hand may be somewhat different to what you usually deal with detectives, but we have no one else to turn to. We tried all other avenues available to us, with nothing to show for it."

"So what's all this about? You were rather vague in your messenge as well." Nick asks.

"I will let the doctor explan." She says opening the door to the vaults medical wing.

A man in a lab coat shakes his head. "A robot detective and a gunslinger playing dress up. We must be truely desperate." 

"This is Doctor Jacob Forsythe." The overseer introduces. "Doctor if you'd please?"

"We will do everything we can to help." Nick reasures.

The doctor sighs. "A child has fallen ill. We have put him under strict quarantine so it won't spread to the rest of the vault. I will be blunt; he is dying. And none of the doctors we've brought in from the outside can figure out how to help him, or even what illness he has. I believe if we can trace back what has made the boy sick in the first place, we may find a cure."

"And no one else has fallen ill?"

"Not as far as i'm aware. He's the only one showing symtoms at least."

"Alright. We'll trace back the boys path and see if we can find a pattern or clue."


After a couple hours running around the vault the detectives meet up to discuss their progress.


Shroud shakes his head. "None of the Classmates Come Close to even a Cough."

The detective sighs. "Not much on my end either. His folks said he went AWOL before he got sick. Said he dissapears pretty frequently, but they don't know where he goes. You'd think there's only so many hiding places inside a vault."

The vigilante starts to pace. "And It's lmpossible to lnterview the boy. Even if we Could Come Close to discuss with him he is delerious."

"Hey misters!" A little girl of about ten runs up to the duo. "You're trying to find out what's got Austin sick right?"

"Yes we are. Do you know anything that could help us young lady?" Nick asks. He has a way with kids. Speaking with them on their level, never making them feel childish or stupid for being little.

"Maybe. Austin told me once he sometimes goes down to the reactor room. The grownups said we're not supposed to go there 'cause it's dangerous and we'll get in trouble. Does that help?"

"Absolutely. We're looking for all the places he's been to. We'll check it out. If there's anything else you can think of just give us a shout okay?"

Erin nods. "I will. l just want my best friend to get better."

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