Well, I suppose this is where it ends. I can see you, yes, you, with your nose in this book. Your curiosity is forcing you to ask why. Well, do you think this is a fake story? It's real. You could've been sitting in front of Eudora on your commute home from work, or Kristoffer lives in the flat above you. I'm only here to tell. Not to create useless fictional work that no one will read. Because I was here the whole time, I only linger in the background of their lives, wreaking havoc as I go.
I am The Cause.
And I will never stop retaliating against them.
Born To Die Part Two - The Charm Of A Conflict
AkcjaTW: Gory/injury detail, self harm references The world has wound up in hatred of magic. Not genetic, just a curse. When Kristoffer Piercebridge goes through with his plans of taking his old friends back to the AMI, how will they escape from this pre...