Glorious Auroras

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Lucy's POV

"Natsu?" I said looking up into the starry night sky. Currently, Natsu and I were lying down in a beautiful secluded medow just beyond the forest. How did Natsu find this place anyways?
"Aye Lucy?" Natsu replied shifting his view from the sky to me.
I turned on my side to look at him. "Do you think I'm weak?"
I know it was a bit out of the blue to ask something like this, but it was concerning me after what a recent battle for a mission with a talking, yet sassy, lady minotaur who was causing trouble in nearby farms by eating all the straw. 'Oh wow bondie, too weak to fight I see. Go ahead and use your little star servants and pinkie here to protect you as you lounge around and watch!' Her harsh words continuously rung in my head since that day. It was true, but I didn't want to believe it.
Natsu's eyes widened as I asked this, he sat up and motioned me to sit up as well. "Lucy, why would you think that your weak? Your way more powerful then any other person I know."
"Well, your an S class wizard, and I've never been called up to get tested to be an S class wizard before, even after the guild broke up and got back together. I was only Cana's partner, but I never had the chance to do it for real! And come on, every mage in Fairy Tail is more powerful then me, all I do is summon spirits to fight for me! I never actually do the fighting..."
We both stayed silent. I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes.
"That's a lie." Natsu broke the unbearable silence.
"I can't explain why your not an S class wizard yet, so screw Erza. Your powerful, your smart, your bravery is over the charts, your faithful, and hopeful. You'd give up anything to save a friend, and your Lucy kicks are damn powerful! Trust me, I know."
Natsu's was staring at me while he said  his kind words. He was smiling like a maniac but, anyone could tell he's truly genuine in his words. "In my opinion, your the strongest person I know and will know. And when you summon your spirits, you fight alongside them. You've gathered, what, 10 of the golden clestial spirit keys, and you're one of the last celestial mages in Fiore too. You're as beautiful as you are powerful!"
Natsu flashed one of his signature grins at me while I blushed. 'He called me beautiful!'
I felt a tear stream down my face. I couldn't tell if it was from sadness, anger, or happiness. Natsu cupped my cheek and wiped the tear of my face with his thumb. Though as dense as he is, Natsu can be really sweet when it comes to cheering people up. And that tear, I still didn't know what it was from, but I didn't care, Natsu was here to make me feel better whenever I needed it.
"Thank you, Natsu." I said as I can feel myself resting into his palm. After he was assured I was calm, Natsu dragged his hand down from my cheek to my shoulder, giving me a tingling feeling down my neck when he passed it over. He suddenly, but harshly pulled me over to rest on his chest. I let out an 'oof' when my head collided with his hard abs.
That was Natsu, he is as comforting as he is reckless, though I didn't mind. After many years of dealing with him, I've grown attached and obviously learned to deal with it. It's actually quite nice sometimes.
"Is something wrong?"
I looked up into his eyes. 'You just slammed my face into your meaty bicep you idiot!'
Though my rash thoughts seemed like I was angry, I was quite happy. I let out a big grin after he asked his question.
'Silly dumb Natsu.' I took my gaze off of the pink haired dragon-slayer and on to the sky. I relaxed into Natsu, accepting the moment we were in.
"You dense idiot." I said sarcastically.
"What? What'd I do?!"

Natsu's POV

Lucy... I wiped the tear falling from her cheek. 'I don't like it when she cries over things like this. People don't deserve to cry! The world isn't such a bad place, just the assholes who say bad things. Like Ezra, she's an asshole. Gray is beyond a bullcrap idiot. So... Screw them I guess! I'll just say  it's their fault for Lucy's tears, since she is too difficult to read. Why are girls so hard to understand anyways? It's not like-'
While I was spacing out in my thoughts, I realized I was unconsciously pulling Lucy towards my side. 'Why is she 'oof'-ing?'
"Is something wrong?"
She looked up at me and grinned widely with red on her cheeks. She let out a chuckle after I asked. She took her eyes away from mine and looked up into the sky, still smiling.
"You dense idiot." She said with a tone I still couldn't understand!
"What? What'd I do?!"
She didn't answer and continued to look into the darkness that was lit up by the stars above us. 'Geez... Complicated much.'
A gasp ended my train of thought. I looked to the beautiful blonde beside me and saw her eyes glued to something above us. I looked up as well and gasped from the slight that we were sharing.
"An aurora! I've never seen one before!"
"Well you're looking at one now!" I told her playfully. I faintly recalled when I watched one with Igneel in the forest we lived in. My reaction was identical to her's.
"Its beautiful..."
I looked down to Lucy. I saw her eyes soften into a awe-full gaze. Her lips relaxed into a small smile, by the look on her face you can tell she was enjoying this moment.
I felt her slowly start to relax even further into my chest. I can't say we've been this close to each other since the time she broke out into tears from the fear of magic itself when Eclair was killed. She seemed in bliss when she floated off into the sky with her small companion, but Lucy was unable to see what happened so I couldn't blame her for being terrified from everything that was happening. When she collapsed into me I couldn't help but comfort her and pull the crying, but brave mage closer to let her know silently 'It's okay.' Our friendship has lasted a long time to the point were wed comfort each other deeply and lay out head on each other if one of us were tired from a mission, we even had to sleep together in one mission do to freezing temperature and the lack of two tents to sleep in. We didn't hear the end of it from Happy or Gray. Lucy would blush but I never got why. We did what we had to do!
About 15 minutes later, the arora sky faded away. I felt Lucy shiver a bit, concerning me.
"Are you cold?"
She didn't have to answer. She puffed out her cheeks and continued to shiver. Even I could tell that she was silently saying 'yes.'
"That's a yes. Let's head back."
Lucy got off of me and I stood up next to her. I stuck out my hand to help her out and she took it. She fumbled a bit to get up because of how long we have been sitting down. I saw her shiver again when we began to walk out of the forest. I once again swung my arm over her shoulder to keep her warm enough to make the trip back.

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