Chapter one

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The dusty road leading to Puerto Lobos was bathed in the golden light of the late afternoon sun. As you navigated your car through the narrow streets, the vibrant colors of the town's buildings and the sound of distant waves crashing against the shore offered a warm welcome. You had moved to this small coastal town in Mexico seeking a fresh start, a place where the past could be left behind and new memories could be made. It wasn't easy getting here, but it was all worth it in the end. Just the thought of your beautiful small house right at the beach makes you feel accomplished and happy all over again.

But today, your thoughts were dominated by the sputtering sound coming from your car. To be completely fair your car had gone a long way, all the way down from Washington to here, Puerto Lobos. With a frustrated sigh, you pulled over to the side of the road, glancing at the smoke wafting from the hood. Well, this certainly didn't take very long. You have been having these kinds of problems with your car for a whole while now, but it's never been this bad before. A friendly local had mentioned a reliable mechanic in town—Diaz's Garage. You checked the address scribbled on a piece of paper "Oh that's actually not far at all" you whispered to yourself and set off on foot, hoping that the mechanic could work his magic.

The garage was a modest but bustling place, filled with the scent of oil and the clinking sounds of tools. Inside, a tall young man with dark hair and a focused expression was working on a vintage truck. He looked up as you approached, wiping his hands on a rag and offering a welcoming smile. At first, you do not notice it but giving a closer look you notice that he is missing an eye. You wonder what had happened to him?

"Hey there," he greeted, his eyes kind yet weary. "Can I help you with something?"

Relieved that he did not start speaking Spanish you gave him a thankful smile and you explained your car trouble, he nodded, introducing himself as Sean Diaz. As he listened, you couldn't help but notice the way he moved with quiet confidence, every action precise and efficient. It was clear that this garage was not just his workplace but his sanctuary.

You led him to your car, and with a few deft movements, he began diagnosing the problem. "Looks like it's going to need some work, but nothing I can't handle," he said reassuringly. "Why don't you come back in a couple of hours? I should have it running smoothly by then." You sigh internally, it's not like you thought that he would fix your car on the spot but you also did not really make a plan on what to do now. For a second you look around noticing you only ever drive through this part of down and have never actually explored it. Maybe you could find a nice place to sit down and have some food?

"Thank you so much, I would have been totally lost if your shop hadn't been near." Thankfully you smile up at him again. It's so good to finally meet someone who is actually fluent in English, even though practicing your Spanish can be fun as well. Usually, when you try to talk to natives they look at you all smiley and kind and the next thing they are doing is getting out their phone to open up the translator app. It's kind of hard practicing your language skills when no one actually wants to try to communicate with you. But you are learning, just not as fast as you expected to, and since you already had a few years of Spanish classes in school you know most of the basics.

You look up at the mechanic again and tilt your head a little bit to the side. "Say.. is there a good place for food around here? ...that I can obviously reach by foot, that is." He nods enthusiastically and gives you a reassuring tilt of his lips, a very kind smile. "Yea, actually just around the corner there is a little restaurant, if you don't know about it I am sure many people would miss it. But when we moved here first this woman saved our asses. She doesn't speak much English but just tell her I said hi and I bet she will cook you something very nice."

This actually sounds very nice you think to yourself and reach out your hand to give him a polite handshake. "Okay well thank you for the recommendation and also for trying to fix my car." He accepts your handshake and chuckles lightly. "No worries and oh this should be easy to fix, gimme like let's say two and a half hours and you can come back to a nice and well-working car."

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