Ch. 16: Attempted Escape

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Ava's pov

        "Thanks," I said as he handed me the coffee. I was at his home which was a cabin since I couldn't go back home, or the agency. Cole told me everything. He said he saw the news and wanted to warn us, that was why he tracked us down to the warehouse. He still won't tell me how he did it though. And now, his cabin is the only safe place for now, till we find Kayla.

        "Make yourself at home," he said and sat down on the adjacent chair. He brought out a laptop from the backpack beside the bed. I sipped my coffee and inspected the place. He is surprisingly neat for a soldier.

        "What are you doing?" I asked.

        "Finding Kayla,"

        "You can track her down?" I dropped the coffee and looked over to the laptop.

        "If she still has her phone then I can trace her whereabouts by intercepting the satellite of a radio station," he said. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

        "They taught you this in the army?"

        "No, I took a computer class during high school," I nodded and looked at the screen.

        "Impressive," I said.

        "Yeah but the question is, what do we do when we find her? We can't possibly storm in there without any help,"

        I looked at the wall and thought about it. I can't call the agency without risk getting arrested, and everyone I know is back in California. I paced around. Who can I call for help?

        "Hey don't you have any military friends that could help us?" I asked. He shook his head.

        "I'm practically a ghost. Had to stage my own death so they won't find me. Let's just say things were uh...pretty rough back then, so I can't reach out,"

        "What about non military friends, huh? Anyone in the force?"

        "I suppose I could reach out to a few friends, but no promises though. They don't know I'm alive, yet," he said.

        "Okayy, and while you do that I'll see if I can talk to someone in the agency," I said and brought out my phone.

        "Who exactly?"

        "Her best friend," I said.

Unknown pov

        "I did what you asked," I heard her say over the phone, "I have Makayla Reyes, so it's time for you to fulfill your end of the bargain,"

        "Relax there hon, your work is not yet complete," I said, twirling my pen.

        "What are talking about? I did what you asked,"

        "Yeah but she still has something I need and I'm kinda busy here, keeping a low profile and all you know,"

        "Look, whatever all this is, I'm out. I-I can't do this anymore,". I stopped, gripping the pen.

        "Don't tell me you've grown a heart, seductress?" My lips twitched in amusement, "perhaps spending time with that agent has made you gone a little soft,"

        "No, you know it's not that," she said in a low tone, but I wasn't fully convinced.

        "I hope so, because Makayla can be very...," I looked at my pen, "...persuasive," I said. "I trust I won't have to remind you of what happens should you try something stupid,"

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