Ch. 20: Mending Bones

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       I hissed as Mark helped me place my leg on the bed. Ava already tied a cloth around it to stop the bleeding. I already told them everything on our way here.

       "We have to take her to the hospital," She said. Mark sat beside me.

       "Not when she's wanted," Cole reasoned. I moaned in pain.

       "But we have to do something or else..." She gestures towards the leg.

       "Cole's right," I groaned, "I can't go to the hospital."

       "You can," Mark said, "Evelyn."

       I looked at him from my dilated eyes. "No,"

       "Come on Kayla, you don't have much time," he insisted glancing at my leg.

       "Who's Evelyn?" Cole asked. I stiffened and sighed.

       "Her name's Evelyn O'Neil," I said, "she's my doctor."

       "So let's get you to her," Ava said.

       "No!" I almost yelled. They all looked at me. Except Mark. "She can't help me,"

       "Why?" She asked confusedly. I paused. My eyes met Mark's. He looked down and sighed.

       "Cause she's a neurosurgeon," he told, then looked back at me, "but she may know someone who might,"

       "No," I whispered to him, shaking my head softly. He held my hand and leaned forward.

       "It's the only choice we have," he said in my ear. I'm not ready for them to know about my illness.

       "Come on guys, we have to hurry," Ava said. Mark took my arm and placed over his shoulder again.

       "Who's watching her?" He asked, referring to a knocked out Ruby, who was tied to a chair at the corner.

       "I will," Cole said. I held him.

       "Careful, she's dangerous," I advised. He smiled.

       "Well I do love a challenge," he said.


       "It's almost dawn," I pointed out hoarsely as we entered the hospital building. I pulled my cap closer to my face while we walked towards the elevator. Apparently, we were being labeled as pristine serial killers. Which doesn't even make any sense by the way.

        The elevator dinged and we got in, along with a few others. We stayed at the back to avoid drawing attention. We don't know if our faces were already on the news, but we didn't want to take any chances. I looked up at the elevator screen, but it was getting blurry and I was starting to feel dizzy.

Of course, he whacked my head with a hammer.

        The elevator opened and we waited till almost everyone got out, before leaving too. Mark took me to her office. And she was packing, about leaving.

        "Mark?" She asked confusedly, then looked down at me. "Kayla..." She whispered and rushed towards me, helping me sit down.

        "What on earth happened?!" She asked us, running to the cabinet in the office.

        "Just some agency stuff," Mark answered as she came back with a box filled with medical things.

        "I warned you about her condition," she scolded as she injected me, "it's a miracle she's still alive." Then she examined me, "How'd you feel?" She asked.

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