Chapter three

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Sarah's POV

When I arrive at school, I see my friends at the lockers. I walk to them and hug them. We have a close friendship. 'Hey Sarah! How are you?', Stacey asks. 'I'm actually doing kinda freaking amazing!', I say, with a big smile on my face. 'Why? Are you in loooooooove?', Sophie asks. 'No, something even better! Last night I entered a giveaway!' 'Cool! What kind of giveaway?' 'Well, the winner gets to meet Ed Sheeran!' My friends start talking and I see that they are really enthusiastic! 'But that has been your dream for like, two years or so!' 'That is so amazing! 'Congrats Sarah!' 'I hope you'll win!' My smile turns even bigger, I love my friends! We all want the best for each other!

The bell rings, and we walk to our class. Math... I suck at math, but Sophie is amazing at math, so maybe I can sit next to her so she can help me.

School is finally out I can't wait to graduate! It is my last year, and the exams are coming! I'm kinda nervous, but I think it's going to be okay. I'm pretty good at school, so it shouldn't be a problem. I want to study geography, I think that is an amazing study. I want to be a teacher someday, at a high school. I grab my bicycle and cycle home.

When I arrive home, i see that my mom is home already! That's great, now I can tell her about the meet&greet!


I wake up to my alarm clock. Today is a special day! One of my concerts at Wembley! I am so excited! I can't believe I get opportunities like this! From a homeless teen to sold out concerts and one of the most popular musicians on earth! It feels so surreal! But it's happening, this is my life! I'm living one of the best life's ever!

What do you think about the new cover? I really like it! I made it by myself, so i'm pretty proud😅! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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