Chapter two

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Sarahs "POV

i wake up and and look at my alarm. Its 7 am... I need to get up, because I have school at 9:30... I try to get up, but it's so hard... My bed is so warm, and it's raining outside. It's freaking July! Come on! I need summer! I want to wear my dresses and shorts. But no, it is raining like, everyday...

I get out of my bed and walk to my closet. I open it and look in the mirror. I look like shit. Ugh... I look at my clothes and grab a sweater and my black skinny jeans. I try them on.

I look like a potato, but I feel like one too, so it's okay. I brush my hair and put on some mascara. I'm not in the mood to put on a lot of makeup. I look like shit, with or without makeup.

I walk downstairs and open the fridge. I grab some milk and fruit and put it on a plate. I walk to the table and eat my breakfast. I stand up. walk to the living room and grab my phone. I go to my Instagram and see I'm still logged in on my fan page. I click on my account and see a link in my bio. Wait... The link... The link... ED SHEERAN! THE MEET AND GREET! I immediately don't feel like a potato anymore and I'm super excited and happy. I totally forgot about it! How is that even possible? I see its 8:45 am and decide I should go to school, otherwise I'm too late for my class. I put on my jacket, grab my bag and my keys and walk to the door.

I need to lock the door, because my mom is already at work, my dad is on a vacation with his work or something and my brother is in college. I should tell my mom about the meet&greet, I think she finds it just as awesome as I do, because she knows it is my dream to meet Ed. I grab my bike and cycle to school. Can't wait to speak to my friends about the meet&greet! I'm sure they are happy for me. I hope that I win! It would be incredible!


I hope you like this chapter! Comment below some things I can improve about my story :) ! Thanks!

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