Chapter six

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Tonight is my last Wembley concert! I don't want it to be over, because it has been one of the best experiences of my whole life. I never thought I'd come this far. I step out of my bed and walk to my closet.

I think it is really cold in my room, maybe because I sleep in just my boxers, or maybe it just really is cold. I grab a T-shirt and some trousers and walk to the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and step under it. I look at the white clock on the wall. It's almost 12 o'clock. In about an hour I need to go to Wembley, to practice and do a sound check. I'm still kinda tired, but when I'm on stage, that feeling will disappear. Singing in front of thousands of people gives an adrenaline kick. I can't wait for tonight!

Sarah's POV

I log in on my Ed account. Yesterday I announced that I'm participating in the contest to meet Ed. I check the comments under that post. Wow! 163 comments! Everyone says the voted! That's amazing! I love my followers! To thank them, I'm going to play 'guess the lyrics'. Everyone always really likes that!

Once I'm done with 'guess the lyrics', I grab my laptop and go to Netflix. I walk downstairs, grab some ice cream and say goodnight to my mom. I run upstairs and put on my pajamas. I go lay in bed and put my laptop on my lap. I search for a good movie and I end up watching Mean Girls, as usual.

When the movie is finished, I go to my Instagram. I click on the link to the meet&greet site and go to the leaderboard. Wait. What? OMG OMG OMG!!!! I'm first! That's freaking awesome! I jump out of my bed and dance across my room, hoping no one wakes up. I'm so happy! There is a change that I'll meet Ed! My idol! I jump around and Do the worst dance moves ever. I hope no one sees me. Okay, I'm exhausted, I have the worst condition in the world. Oops.

I lay down in my bed and wrap my blanket around me. I grab my phone and go to YouTube. Dan and Phil marathon? But it's 2 am. Nah, fuck it. I click on the first video, and it is certainly not the last one. The only marathons I do, are YouTube, Netflix and food marathons. Woohoo social life. But Dan and Phil are bae so I don't care.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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