Author's Note

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There are a lot of reasons I am starting this short collection of novels named Random Realities.

1. Because most of the time we write about things that aren't commonly real or fiction that we built in our heads. I have a flood of stories in my head and draft, but as of now, I am more interested in these Random Realities of people that the world usually does not care much about knowing. Middle-class people, decent people, regular and not so aesthetically pleasing or vastly wealthy people. 

2. I read these stories where the male lead cheats and somehow at the end of the story he is forgiven and taken back. No offence to anyone but I do not believe in giving cheaters a second chance, I don't believe they can change. Because I've heard and seen from childhood that you can change habits not nature.

It especially infuriates me when instead of deeply apologising ( even though it's useless ) and staying the hell away from a man or woman you cheated on, these male leads manipulate, dominate or emotionally blackmail them with stuff they didn't bother caring about when they were cheating and make women believe their cheating asses deserve a second chance.

When they were the ones who forgot this ever-lasting love, they are making pillars now to excuse and climb their high. I swear their ego is sky rocketed and it's so heartbreaking and shockingly unmotivating when a strong character accepts them back.

They give all these excuses and lovey-dovey reasons ( which they forget for a minute or whatever timeline for momentary pleasure and pure selfishness ) and so stupidly the females get lured into their traps of lies. Why live with a cheater? Why accept them back? Love is great! Yes, it is. But love requires loyalty, one second of disloyalty is enough to destroy it all.

And I honestly feel bad for the people who think it's not, I know everyone has the freedom to choose, but it pains me to see women accepting cheating men back.

Especially when women cheat, Men and society humiliate them, call them names and whatnot. ( cheating is horrible for any gender btw ) And when a man does it, why do we have to stay quiet, why do we suddenly have to think about our marriage? If we have kids why do we have to be the only responsible and loyal parent? Why let a child live in a lie that their parents are great lovers? Why accept the bare minimum?

And then, this messed up society expects us to go to ridiculous counselling or therapy? Like any of those people have an idea what you've gone through. Sadly, they've made this a business and fooled people that your already burnt, smelly marriage or relationship could get any better. Pitiful.

And for the love of God, can we stop thinking that talking and talking and talking our hearts out or letting the time flow through is ever going to heal something that's been broken by someone who couldn't even be loyal to you? How ridiculous that sounds to accept someone who couldn't even respect you enough to say it to your face and goes behind your back as a worthless coward.

Then some pathetic, misogynistic-minded people think just because they're luring you with a useless apology into an unacceptable forgiveness, they deserve to be sympathised with. UNBELIEVABLE!!!

I know there are more serious crimes, but this is just as severe, just because the wounds and scars don't show up, and just because no one can see your heart bleeding doesn't mean it's not hurting. How about an example of Let me try to burn you alive and then take you to a freezer? Then I'll say, sorry I wasn't in my right mind? Like seriously?

If you don't want commitment, go to people who are just like you, why break kind and pure hearts, and waste someone's time who wants forever, which is so far out of your league?

I read somewhere, that once a CHEATER IS ALWAYS A DAMN CHEATER, and it's one hundred percent true, I am speaking from personal experience, not gonna go into details.

I don't think any type of meaning-fucking-ful gift, persuading apology, gentle explanation or fact-spinning justification will EVER normalize cheating.

It's like one of the most disgusting acts you could ever commit and the worst way of hurting someone. No amount of SORRY or I LOVE YOU can ever heal what's broken by the betrayal of a spouse so it's a big NO for me!

Maybe regret can change the cheaters, and let them have a better chance with someone else,
but what CAN'T' EVER happen in my stories in or out of this series is the person getting cheated on takes them back. LIKE NEVER, NEVER! And I warn you to not expect it from me.

The scar and distrust a cheating wound leaves is sort of irreparable so is the relationship that's been destroyed by it. People heal and move on, but it's far better than accepting a cheater. Time might ease the pain but it never truly goes away trust me, the scar of a cheating husband/wife girlfriend or boyfriend, prints itself on the soul.

And when society, friends or family members of cheaters should call them out for their mistake and make them realise the severity of it, they're being supported and sympathised with.  What the hell is wrong with this world?

Honestly, I pity anyone who cheats because a lot of lives get spoiled because of it, including the cheater's life.

3. I believe that loyal, kind and forever kind of people do exist.

4. I believe men and women, both deserve equal loyalty and. respect.

5. Toxic people aren't healthy for anyone, not even themselves.

6. A better half desires to be loved, respected, trusted, honoured, and protected. A spouse or lover deserves fidelity and honest communication.

7. Last but not least, Cheating is a loud clear announcement that 'I don't love you enough'.

Cheating is a clarified choice of 'I don't want you.

Cheating is dishonouring and disrespecting your relationship.

Cheating is a sign of an immoral person.

Cheating is crumbling the trust someone gave you stomping the heart which they handed you to protect, and wounding their soul which was once connected to yours.

Cheating is undoable, irreparable, inexcusable and certainly UNFORGIVABLE. I salute the people who have the heart to forgive and forget about such people.

Also don't even get me started on how cheating has so many forms, it just does not only go physical ways. There are so many betrayals that are unforgivable or irreparable and my stories would do a better job at explaining all that.

Anyway, it's impossible to clarify the irritation I feel reading such stories where women are ready to settle for less. My insomnia has increased and I have a whole lot of trouble being at peace. Maybe writing what I want to read could ease or help. And I hope some people want to read the same.

Remember, an author isn't writing this as a story. This is frustration, anger and disappointment of a woman, and it is for every woman out there who is taught and persuaded or forced into settling for less and accepting their cheating spouse back. Sorry, but I'd rather die!

Please do not connect or relate my stories to anyone personally.

The stories in this series might be somewhere connected or some characters might appear in each other's story or they won't, I can't confirm that right now.

What I can assure is it won't be longer than 20 to 25 chapters. Might be less than 20 but not more than 25.

The updates will start soon!


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