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"Shes going to be fine," I heard a vague whisper in the distance, followed by some soft murmurs. An unreal chiming rang in my head, irking me.

"Fine? She's burning up." Another voice follows louder, echoing angrier than the first, swaying with the air.

"Don't worry, I gave her the injection, it's going to bring her body temperature down to normal." The same person gently assured the second voice.

"Keith?" I called out feebly wavering between staying awake and unconsciousness pulling me back. What was happening?

"Karry?" Someone calls out with surprise, along with some intense gasps and exhales of relief. Karry? Keith doesn't call me that.

Struggling against the physical complications and straining pressure on my head, I opened my eyes, blinking them to adjust to the sudden light exposed to my eyes.

"Dexter?" I mumbled since he was the one slightly hovering over me, I let my eyes roam and it landed on several other worried faces. My brother, Leona, Xaviera, Chelsea and all our friends. The only sound audible in the silent surroundings was a barely evident whirr with the humming buzz of a fan.

Did I almost die or something? Had an accident or surgery? Oh my God, what happened to my Keith?

"Corwin? I called out in a hoarse deafening whisper, someone called me out again in a fading voice. Where is Keith then?

I slid up startling myself and others with the squeaky clicking of the bed, Corwin rushed to my side extending his hands to my aid, and I clasped his hands seeking comfort.

"Keith, Corwin. Keith, Where is Keith." I began frantically muttering, causing him to hold my shaking body in place. "Where is he? He might need me, where is he, is he fine? Please take me to him." I begged, panting, tugging him closer and whimpering because of the hollowness in my chest.

Something isn't right.

"Please just please, let me go, take me to him. He might need me, he might." I pleaded afraid of the emptiness increasing inside me. My impractical plea pausing at a realization, of certain blurry memories hitting me, I shakily glanced up at everyone with heavy, moist vision.

"Karry, please." Holding me close, my brother requests. I could hear my heartbeats accelerate violently and could see the droplets hanging on my eyelashes and falling when I blinked, could feel the drops rolling down of sweat I was drenched in.

Still quivering I leisurely stared at the people around me, aside from worry, more emotions were radiating from their eyes like sympathy and pain. Like a comet hitting Earth, truth crashes down on me. Cheating's cruelty and horrendous waves wipe away my hopes, honour, trust and love all in an instant.

It all hit me together like the first glimpse of damage. Keith's unusual disappearance, naked with that woman, right before our wedding. Then the pain in my heart spread through my body, making it ache with nausea following. I shivered by the disgust crawling inside me.

"Co-Corwin." I sputtered out in agony, my chest tightening, my brother already had tears streaming down his face. I muffled my cries, denial taking over the pain and my senses.

"He he, Keith. Corwin, he, he was there," I gestured with my hands, pointedly. "With a woman, he, my Keith wouldn't do that right." I shook my head, those words were heavy and blazing on my tongue.

"He would never, never do that to me right? We are getting married, Corwin," I grabbed his shirt pulling him to me, unstable anxieties twisting my guts.

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