Where the grass is greener

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My first ever Fan-fic so I'm realllly sorry if ya Terrible! Please leave comments and corrections for me :)


*ch. 1, The Beginning*

I pulled my knees close into my chest as I sat against the cold brick wall. I usually sat away from most people during lunch. away from the populars. Away from the cliques. And away from reality. I preferred it that way. The only disturbance was the distant laughter of friends, and the noisy footsteps of hungry students rushing to the lunch line.

"Jenna!" My friend Declan called as he bent down by my side.

He usually sat by me, it was a regular thing. We had been best friends since we were tiny tikes, running around in diapers. We were always sort of outcasts. Although I was okay with it, I never really understood why. He was tall with sun-kissed skin, dirty blonde, shaggy hair, and piercing blue eyes. He was gorgeous. I on the other hand, am quiet plain. Blonde hair, gray eyes with a tint of sea green, and fair skin. I never really understood why he had stuck with someone like me this whole time.

"Did you bring me food?" I teased as I took a big bite of his turkey and cheddar Sandwhich. "How original. Do you ever change it up a bit and bring something else for once in your life?" Declan was a simple and safe guy. I think that's what I like most about him, his consistency made me feel safe and protected. I could always count on him.

"So I was talking to Jack and-" "You talked to Jack? Since when do you associate with the populars?" I asked sternly as he tried to finish his sentence. "He is my physics partner and if you'd let me finish my sentence you'd hear me tell you how he is a pretty cool guy and invited us to his party tonight" I don't get it. Declan and I never talked to the populars, let alone went to their parties. Since when did he become all buddy-buddy with 

Jack? Something about the desperate look in Declan's eye made me feel to guilty to reject the offer. "Fine. We can go, but you better not ditch me for your new best friend" He chuckled at my comment. His laugh was beautiful. His eyes glistened and his jaw line became so defined everytime he smiled. I couldn't help but smiling, too. "I would never ditch you" he stated as the bell rang. "See you tonight? Ill swing by and pick you up at 7!" He ran away before I could object.

I had never been to a high school party or any social gathering that didn't involve me, Declan, my cat, an a re-run of skins. But if its something that will make Declan happy, I might as well considering all the stuff of mine he has put up with for my Benefit. My first real high school party.... Oh god.


Alright that's the end of that! Please tell me how you think and if I should keep writing?! Any type of criticism is welcome, just please try and be nice. Thanks! :)

Sorry, I know this first page isn't very intriguing but I promise! it WILL get better. I just wasn't quite sure how to get the story going. PLEASE COMMENT your thoughts. Good or bad!

Thank you :)

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