Chapter One: The Danger Force Awakens

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DISCLAIMER!!!: I am in no way shape or form trying to claim Danger Force as my own. All rights go to Mike Caron and Nickelodeon for creating, writing, and producing the show and Its characters. All rights go to the actors and actresses as well for portraying these characters.


AGLIOPHOBIA - The fear of being hurt


"Okay!" Schwoz yells, walking into the school, "It's time to practice your lying!"

All of the kids groan except Mika and Brynn. Mika is excited, but Brynn on the other hand is asleep at her desk. The other three kids are bored and want to go home.

Schwoz smacks his ruler against the board and clears his throat before yelling, "My friend is on fire and I must run to pour water on his face!"

Mika sits straight and giggles, "My friend is on fire, and I..." She drags on and frowns, "I'm really the only one doing this?" She asks, spinning her chair around to face the other teenagers.

Chapa sits up and smiles at Mika, "As fun as it is to sit around and practice lying all day," she instantly frowns, "It's not fun at all and I hate it!" Chapa's smile drops and she narrows her eyes at the short man at the podium.

"Hate is a very strong word," Miles nods, "And in this case It's accurate."

Brynn slowly picks her head up off her table and tucks her hair behind her ears as she yawns. All the commotion from her friends and Schwoz had woken her up.

"What they're trying to say is that Captain Man brought us here to teach us how to be superheroes and all we do is-" Mika started to defend.

"Lying is a very important part of being a superhero," Brynn interrupts.

All heads turn to Brynn, and Schwoz grins at the teenager and nods his head while pointing at her.

"Brynn is right, you know! You have to learn how to protect your secret identities," Schwoz tells the class, struggling with the last word.

Miles and Bose groan and lean their heads back as Brynn sits up straight. Chapa slams her fist on her desk and scoffs.

"Schwoz, we didn't ask for these powers!" She yells.

"Valid point," Brynn nods coolly, pointing in Chapa's direction.

"Yeah, you're the one who built that stupid weapon that blew up and gave them to us when Captain Man and Kid Danger fought Drex!" Miles glares at Schwoz.

"Yeah," Bose giggles, "You were all... Aiiiiieee there's a caveman on top of meeee!" Bose imitates the older man in front of him very well.

All of the kids burst into laughter at Bose's impression, and Chapa even gives him a high five for it.

"Why is that funny?" Schwoz gasps, "A caveman really was on top of me!"

"And then Mika was all..." Bose points to the dark-skinned girl beside him, ignoring Schwoz's groan in protest.

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